在 Azure DevOps 管道中,在 powershell 任务中使用变量会导致在执行 az login 时出现 ArgumentParseError

In Azure DevOps pipelines, using variables in the powershell task results in ArgumentParseError when doing az login

我的管道中有一个 Powershell 任务:

- task: PowerShell@2
    targetType: 'inline'
    script: |
      az login --service-principal --username $env:servicePrincipalId --password $env:servicePrincipalKey --tenant $env:tenantId
      python $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/the/path/to/my/python/script.py
  displayName: 'Execute Python code'

通过在此 Powershell 任务之前的 AzureCLI 任务中 addSpnToEnvironment: true 向我提供服务主体详细信息。

当 Powershell 任务运行时,我得到 ArgumentParseError: argument --username/-u: expected one argument。我该如何解决?

我建议您使用 Azure PowerShell task 其中:

Use this task to run a PowerShell script within an Azure environment. The Azure context is authenticated with the provided Azure Resource Manager service connection.

# Azure PowerShell
# Run a PowerShell script within an Azure environment
- task: AzurePowerShell@4
    #azureSubscription: Required. Name of Azure Resource Manager service connection
    #scriptType: 'FilePath' # Optional. Options: filePath, inlineScript
    #scriptPath: # Optional
    #inline: '# You can write your Azure PowerShell scripts inline here. # You can also pass predefined and custom variables to this script using arguments' # Optional
    #scriptArguments: # Optional
    #errorActionPreference: 'stop' # Optional. Options: stop, continue, silentlyContinue
    #failOnStandardError: false # Optional
    #azurePowerShellVersion: 'OtherVersion' # Required. Options: latestVersion, otherVersion
    #preferredAzurePowerShellVersion: # Required when azurePowerShellVersion == OtherVersion


这是一个已知问题,由前导字符“-”导致参数解析器将其混淆为选项名称。参见 here


az login --service-principal --username=$env:servicePrincipalId --password=$env:servicePrincipalKey --tenant=$env:tenantId
