Python 和 speed/RAM 性能中的(命名)元组字典

Dictionary of (named) tuples in Python and speed/RAM performance

我正在创建一个字典 d 包含一百万个元组项,理想情况下我想通过以下方式访问它们:

d[1634].id       # or  d[1634]['id']
d[1634].name     # or  d[1634]['name']
d[1634].isvalid  # or  d[1634]['isvalid']

而不是 d[1634][0]d[1634][1]d[1634][2],后者不太明确。


import os, psutil, time, collections, typing
Tri = collections.namedtuple('Tri', 'id,name,isvalid')
Tri2 = typing.NamedTuple("Tri2", [('id', int), ('name', str), ('isvalid', bool)])
t0 = time.time()
# uncomment only one of these 4 next lines:
d = {i: (i+1, 'hello', True) for i in range(1000000)}                                 # tuple
# d = {i: {'id': i+1, 'name': 'hello', 'isvalid': True} for i in range(1000000)}      # dict
# d = {i: Tri(id=i+1, name='hello', isvalid=True) for i in range(1000000)}            # namedtuple
# d = {i: Tri2(id=i+1, name='hello', isvalid=True) for i in range(1000000)}            # NamedTuple
print('%.3f s  %.1f MB' % (time.time()-t0, psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss / 1024 ** 2))

tuple:       0.257 s  193.3 MB
dict:        0.329 s  363.6 MB
namedtuple:  1.253 s  193.3 MB  (collections)
NamedTuple:  1.250 s  193.5 MB  (typing)

问题:Python 3 中是否有类似元组的数据结构,它允许使用 等访问数据,以及RAM 和 CPU 有效率吗?


您可以尝试反转它(存储为数组结构)并以 x['id'][1634] 的形式访问值。换句话说,x 是一个具有三个键的字典,每个键的值是一个列表。这将是 space 高效的。

或者您可以使用 pandas 数据帧。数据帧以矩阵形式存储,其中行具有数字 ID,列具有标签(如 'name' 等字符串)。对于数据框 dfdf.iloc[i] 指向第 $i^th$ 行,您可以通过 df.iloc[i].namedf.iloc[i]['name']


Cython 的 cdef-classes 可能是您想要的:它们比纯 Python 类 使用更少的内存,即使它在访问成员时以更多的开销为代价(因为字段存储为 C 值而不是 Python-对象)。


cdef class CTuple:
    cdef public unsigned long long int id
    cdef public str name
    cdef public bint isvalid
    def __init__(self, id, name, isvalid): = id = name
        self.isvalid = isvalid


ob=CTuple(1,"mmm",3),, ob.isvalid # prints (2, "mmm", 3)



0.258 s  252.4 MB  # tuples
0.343 s  417.5 MB  # dict
1.181 s  264.0 MB  # namedtuple collections

CTuple 我们得到:

0.306 s  191.0 MB


如果编译时成员的 C 类型不明确,可以使用简单的 python-objects:

cdef class PTuple:
    cdef public object id
    cdef public object name
    cdef public object isvalid
    def __init__(self, id, name, isvalid): = id = name
        self.isvalid = isvalid


0.648 s  249.8 MB

我没想到它会比 CTuple 版本慢那么多,但至少它比命名元组快两倍。

这种方法的一个缺点是它需要编译。然而,Cython 提供 cython.inline 可用于编译动态创建的 Cython 代码。

我已经发布了 cynamedtuple,可以通过 pip install cynamedtuple 安装,它基于下面的原型:

import cython

# for generation of cython code:
tab = "    "
def create_members_definition(name_to_ctype):
    members = []
    for my_name, my_ctype in name_to_ctype.items():
        members.append(tab+"cdef public "+my_ctype+" "+my_name)
    return members

def create_signature(names):
    return tab + "def __init__(self,"+", ".join(names)+"):"

def create_initialization(names):
    inits = [tab+tab+"self."+x+" = "+x for x in names]
    return inits

def create_cdef_class_code(classname, names):
    code_lines = ["cdef class " + classname + ":"]
    return "\n".join(code_lines)+"\n"

# utilize cython.inline to generate and load pyx-module:
def create_cnamedtuple_class(classname, names):
    code = create_cdef_class_code(classname, names)
    code = code + "GenericClass = " + classname +"\n"
    ret = cython.inline(code)
    return ret["GenericClass"]


CTuple = create_cnamedtuple_class("CTuple", 
                                 {"id":"unsigned long long int", 

ob = CTuple(1,"mmm",3)

另一种选择是使用 jit-compilation 和 Numba 的 jitted-classes,它们提供了这种可能性。然而,它们似乎要慢得多:

from numba import jitclass, types

spec = [
    ('id', types.uint64), 
    ('name', types.string),
    ('isvalid',  types.uint8),

class NBTuple(object):
    def __init__(self, id, name, isvalid): = id = name
        self.isvalid = isvalid


20.622 s  394.0 MB

所以 numba jitted 类 不是(现在?)一个好的选择。

recordclass 库的帮助下,还有另一种快速紧凑的方法:

pip3 install recordclass

import recordclass
TriDO = recordclass.make_dataclass("TriDO", 
           [('id', int), ('name', str), ('isvalid', bool)],

这是性能计数器的值(linux,64 位,python3.9,记录类 >= 0.15):


t0 = time.time()
d = {i: (i+1, 'hello', True) for i in range(1000000)}
print('%.3f s  %.1f MB' % (time.time()-t0,
      psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss / 1024 ** 2))
0.235 s  259.1 MB


t0 = time.time()
d = {i: {'id':i+1, 'name':'hello', 'isvalid':True} for i in range(1000000)}
print('%.3f s  %.1f MB' % (time.time()-t0,
      psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss / 1024 ** 2))
0.332 s  428.6 MB


t0 = time.time()
d = {i: Tri(i+1, 'hello', True) for i in range(1000000)}
print('%.3f s  %.1f MB' % (time.time()-t0,
      psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss / 1024 ** 2))
1.195 s  275.6 MB


t0 = time.time()
d = {i: Tri2(i+1, 'hello', True) for i in range(1000000)}
print('%.3f s  %.1f MB' % (time.time()-t0,
      psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss / 1024 ** 2))
1.059 s  275.2 MB


t0 = time.time()
d = {i: TriDO(i+1, 'hello', True) for i in range(1000000)}
print('%.3f s  %.1f MB' % (time.time()-t0,
      psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss / 1024 ** 2))
0.256 s  244.2 MB


%timeit d = {i:(i+1, 'hello', True) for i in range(1000000)} # tuple
162 ms ± 756 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
%timeit d = {i:{'id':i+1, 'name':'hello', 'isvalid':True} for i in range(1000000)} # dict
250 ms ± 2.77 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit d = {i:Tri(i+1,'hello',True) for i in range(1000000)} # namedtuple
318 ms ± 422 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit d = {i:Tri2(i+1,'hello',True) for i in range(1000000)} # NamedTuple
330 ms ± 5.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit d = {i:TriDO(i+1,'hello',True) for i in range(1000000)} # dataobject
188 ms ± 823 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)


from enum import IntEnum

# int variable
ID, NAME, IS_VALID = 0, 1, 2

# IntEnum
class Index(IntEnum):
    ID = 0
    NAME = 1
    IS_VALID = 2

# Create tuples
d = {i: (i+1, 'hello', True) for i in range(int(1e6))}  

t0 = time.time()

# check data access performance
# uncomment only one of these 3 next lines:
# for i in range(len(d)): _ = d[i][0], d[i][1], d[i][2]
# for i in range(len(d)): _ = d[i][ID], d[i][NAME], d[i][IS_VALID]
for i in range(len(d)): _ = d[i][Index.ID], d[i][Index.NAME], d[i][Index.IS_VALID]

print('%.3f s' % (time.time()-t0))

int           0.307 s
int variable  0.312 s
IntEnum       0.749 s