如何在 React 中触发未捕获的异常以进行哨兵测试?

How to trigger an uncaught exception in React, for Sentry testing?

我需要在 React 应用程序中触发错误,以确保我的 Sentry.io 已正确配置。

这是 Sentry 文档要求我做的事情:

You can trigger your first event from your development 
environment by raising an exception somewhere within 
your application. An example of this would be rendering 
a button whose onClick handler attempts to invoke a method 
that does not exist:

return <button onClick={methodDoesNotExist}>Break the world</button>;

然而,即使我为文件禁用了 eslint,React 本身也不会让我定义一个 onClickundefined 方法的元素。



<button onClick={()=>{
throw 'oh no an error'`
}}> Err </button>
