尽管配置了 FK,EF Core 仍创建影子属性

EF Core creating shadow properties despite FK being configured

我发现 EF 核心正在为我的外键生成影子属性,尽管我正在配置它们,从我从文档中可以看出,它应该只在它不能匹配列的数据类型时才这样做,但他们都是 Guid。 这是我 FK 的一部分:

public class Property : BaseEntity<Guid>
    public Property(Guid Id, List<Classification> classifications) : this(Id)
        _classifications = classifications;
    public Property(Guid id)
        Id = id;
        _attributes = new List<PropertyAttribute>();
        _classifications = new List<Classification>();
        _images = new List<PropertyImage>();
        _siteVistis = new List<PropertySiteVisitLink>();
    private readonly List<Classification> _classifications;

    public IEnumerable<Classification> Classifications => _classifications.AsReadOnly();        


public class Classification
    public Classification(Guid id, Guid propertyId, int classificationBatchId)
        _id = id;
        PropertyId = propertyId;
        ClassificationBatchId = classificationBatchId;
        _classificationResults = new List<ClassificationResult>();

    private Guid _id;

    public Guid Id => _id;
public Guid PropertyId { get; private set; }

ef 核心的配置在这里:

        public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Property> builder)
            builder.ToTable(ConfigConstants.PropertyTableName, ConfigConstants.VacantsSchema);
            builder.HasKey(p => p.Id);

            builder.Property(p => p.Id).HasColumnName("Id").ValueGeneratedNever();
            builder.HasMany<Classification>("_classifications").WithOne().HasForeignKey(c => c.PropertyId);
            builder.Navigation<Classification>(p => p.Classifications).UsePropertyAccessMode(PropertyAccessMode.Field).HasField("_classifications");

然而,当我进行迁移时,它会创建一个 propertyId1 列并将 FK 附加到该列以及 PropertyId 字段,知道为什么要创建这个新列吗?

edit i think its something to do with the nullability(?) of the column and the FK, in the Classification object, PropertyId is a Guid and set to non nullable, the PropertyId1 one it always wants to create is a nullable Guid, but im not sure how to force it to be non nullable, or just use the property i tell it to?

EF Core creating shadow properties despite FK being configured


builder.HasMany<Classification>("_classifications") // <--
    .HasForeignKey(c => c.PropertyId);

FK 与由 _classifications 字段表示的 navigation 关联(根据 EF Core 模型术语,它是 navigation 属性 事件虽然按 CLR/C# 术语来说它是一个字段)。因此,由 public IEnumerable<Classification> Classifications 表示的关系未映射,EF Core 假定它是单独的关系并将其映射到常规影子 FK(和列)名称,在这种情况下具有数字后缀,因为原始常规名称已被保留其他已经明确映射的关系。


builder.HasMany(e => e.Classifications) // collection navigation property
    .WithOne() // no inverse reference navigation property
    .HasForeignKey(c => c.PropertyId); // FK property 

下一行只是将 属性 与支持字段相关联并设置 EF 使用的访问模式。由于这些是 EFC 3.0+ 的默认值,因此可以安全地跳过它(不需要,多余)

builder.Navigation(e => e.Classifications)      