在这段 PHP 代码中,是什么导致 Coinbase 交易所 API 的市场订单失败?

What is causing Market Orders to Fail on the Coinbase Exchange API in this PHP code?

出于我自己的目的,我在 PHP 中创建了一个功能齐全的 Coinbase API 系统。但是,系统的一部分我无法正常运行:市场订单。


Coinbase API returns 错误消息,如此处代码底部的注释文本所示。 'market' 订单 API 不需要 'price' 参数,此处描述:Coinbase Exchange API Documentation。当我通过添加请求的字段来响应错误消息时,订单最终成功,但订单被处理为 'limit' 订单,而不是类型指示的 'market' 订单。


$settings = \parse_ini_file("API.ini", true);

$apiSecret = $settings['trader_sandbox']['API Secret'];
$apiKey = $settings['trader_sandbox']['API Key'];
$apiPassPhrase = $settings['trader_sandbox']['Passphrase'];

$urlBase = "https://api-public.sandbox.exchange.coinbase.com";

//get timestamp
$date = new \DateTime("now", new \DateTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles"));
$timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();

//API url
$relUrl = "/orders";

//set the method type GET|POST|DELETE|PUT
$method = "POST";

$params = [
    "type" => "market",
    "side" => "sell",
    "product_id" => "BTC-USD",
    "stp" => "dc",
    "size" => "0.10000000"

//copied from coinbase's documentation added apiSecret
function signature($request_path = '', $body = '', $timestamp = false, $method = 'GET', $apiSecret=null) {
     * Modified $body assignment to exclude empty bodies
     * @author Jared Clemence <jaredclemence@alum.drexel.edu>
     * @ref https://community.coinbase.com/t/get-fills-invalid-signature-error-php-example-included/911
    $body = is_array($body) ? ( \count($body) > 0 ? json_encode($body) : null ) : $body;
    $timestamp = $timestamp ? time() : $timestamp;

    $what = $timestamp . $method . $request_path . $body;

    return base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha256", $what, base64_decode($apiSecret), true));

$url = $urlBase . $relUrl;

$ch = curl_init($url);
$output = \json_encode($params);

$signature = \signature($relUrl, $output, $timestamp, $method, $apiSecret);

$headers = [
    "User-Agent" => "Traderbot/v1.0",
    "CB-ACCESS-KEY" => $apiKey,
    "CB-ACCESS-SIGN" => $signature,
    "CB-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP" => $timestamp,
    "CB-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE" => $apiPassPhrase,
    "Content-Type" => "application/json"

\curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
\curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $output);

foreach ($headers as $key => &$header) {
    //this I found is necessary. Before I added this, the headers lacked the field data and only had the content values
    $header = "{$key}:$header";
\curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
\curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
try {
    $newResult = \json_decode($result);
    $result = $newResult;
} catch (Exception $ex) {

var_dump( $result );
 * Output:

class stdClass#2 (1) {
  public $message =>
  string(13) "Invalid price"

我猜唯一导致失败的原因是目前缺乏对通过交易所 API 的市场订单的支持。来自文档:

Documentation for the upcoming market order feature is for reference only. The feature is not yet available. You should however update your feed handlers in preparation of the new message types.