尽管使用了“butt”和“miter”,为什么我的 Racket 笔会在两条线连接处绘制额外的像素?

Why does my Racket pen draw extra pixels where two lines join despite using 'butt and 'miter?

我正在制作两个正方形,如下图所示。One red and one blue square

黄色圆圈不是图像的一部分,但它显示了一些我认为不存在的像素。我没有计算机图形方面的经验,但根据我在文档中阅读的内容,这些像素不应该存在。是我有不切实际的期望还是我做错了什么来获得这些 'overflow' 像素,如上图中黄色圆圈所示?


     #lang racket/gui

(define dc (new svg-dc%  
                [width 64]
                [height 64]
                [output "boxes.svg"]
                [exists 'replace]))
(send dc start-doc "boxes.svg")
(send dc start-page)

        (define old-brush (send dc get-brush))
        (define old-pen (send dc get-pen))
        (send dc set-brush 
          (new brush% [style 'solid]
                      [color "White"]))
        (send dc set-pen 
          (new pen% [width 0]
                    [color "Black"]
                    [cap 'butt]
                    [join 'miter]))
        (send dc set-pen old-pen)
        (send dc set-brush old-brush)   

        (send dc set-pen
          (new pen% [width 0]
                    [color "Black"]
                    [cap 'butt]
                    [join 'miter]))
        (send dc set-brush 
          (new brush% [style 'solid]
                      [color "Red"]))
        (define path (new dc-path%))
        (send path move-to 0 0)
        (send path line-to 10 0)
        (send path line-to 10 10)
        (send path line-to 0 10)
        (send path close)
        (send dc draw-path path 0 0)
        (send dc set-pen old-pen)
        (send dc set-brush old-brush)

        (send dc set-pen 
          (new pen% [width 0]
                    [color "Black"]
                    [cap 'butt]
                    [join 'miter]))
        (send dc set-brush
          (new brush% [style 'solid]
                      [color "Blue"]))
        (define path2 (new dc-path%))
        (send path2 move-to 0 0)
        (send path2 line-to 10 0)
        (send path2 line-to 10 10)
        (send path2 line-to 0 10)
        (send path2 close)
        (send dc draw-path path2 10 0)
        (send dc set-pen old-pen)
        (send dc set-brush old-brush)

(send dc end-page)
(send dc end-doc)

这只是一条评论,但我还需要更多 space。


anti aliasing  - turn it of
smoothing      - is the mode unsmoothed or aligned?

假设第一个像素具有对角 (0,0) 和 (1,1)。 如果没有对齐,您可以选择大小和 在 (0.5,0.5) 处画一个点,以免在像素外绘制。






(send dc set-smoothing 'aligned)
