加载错误的 PDF 时捕获 PDFBox 警告

catch PDFBox warnings when loading erroneous PDFs

使用 PDFBox 加载 PDF 时,如果 PDF 错误,则会收到日志级警告:

    PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load (new File (filename));


Dez 08, 2020 9:14:41 AM org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.COSParser validateStreamLength 
WARNING: The end of the stream doesn't point to the correct offset, using workaround to read the stream, stream start position: 3141, length: 1674, expected end position: 4815

显然,pdf 在内容流中有一些错误,但它确实加载到 doc。但是是否可以使用 PDFBox 以编程方式捕获此警告?是否存在一些属性可以告诉您加载文档后的警告?

我试过 PDFBox-Preflight,但会检查 PDF/A 合规性,这会导致更多消息。

尝试解析器的非宽松模式。此代码来自 ShowSignature.java 示例:

RandomAccessBufferedFileInputStream raFile = new RandomAccessBufferedFileInputStream(file);
// If your files are not too large, you can also download the PDF into a byte array
// with IOUtils.toByteArray() and pass a RandomAccessBuffer() object to the
// PDFParser constructor.
PDFParser parser = new PDFParser(raFile);
PDDocument document = parser.getPDDocument();