Windows 10 支持哪些传输协议?

What transport protocols are supported in Windows 10?

显然 TCP/UDP 在 Windows 中受支持,但是还有其他传输协议吗?我知道 SCTP 和 DCCP 存在,但似乎找不到关于它们在 Windows 操作系统中的支持的任何参考,并且只能设法找到第三方驱动程序,但 none 似乎已经过去 Windows 7.不支持是因为没有使用还是其他原因?

最常用的 traport 层网络协议是 tcp 和 udp 是 TCP (1981), UDP (1980)

Stream Control Transmission Protocol aka SCTP (2007) 结合了 TCP 和 UDP,像 tcp 一样可靠,像 UDP 一样使用数据报并支持多个并行的块流


数据报拥塞控制协议又名 DCCP (2006) 提供拥塞控制的不可靠数据报的双向单播连接。



Adding multihoming and mobility support to Internet transport protocols changes the environment in which transport-layer security mechanisms operate. This may cause non-cryptographic security mechanisms, such as TCP sequence numbers and SCTP verification tags, to break. The attacker may be able to spoof data and signaling messages and hijack connections. Dynamic multi-addressing also gives raise to new types of attacks such as address squatting, redirection of data from a server to the target of a bombing attack, and connection forwarding. In this paper, we describe a number of such attacks against SCTP and suggest low-cost changes to the protocol specification and implementations. Several SCTP implementations were found to be vulnerable to all or most of the attacks described in this paper. Table 1 summarizes the main protocol weaknesses, attacks and solutions and how they relate to each other. (Some attacks depend on multiple vulnerabilities, which is indicated by multiple crosses in the column. We have also marked the changes that should be made immediately to the implementations.) The lessons from our security analysis apply to other transport protocols and to practically any multihoming or mobility solution that uses end-to-end signaling.



>>> ls(SCTP)
sport      : ShortField                          = (None)
dport      : ShortField                          = (None)
tag        : XIntField                           = (None)
chksum     : XIntField                           = (None)
>>> a=SCTP()
###[ SCTP ]### 
  sport= None
  dport= None
  tag= None
  chksum= None