std::source_location 作为非类型模板参数

std::source_location as non type template parameter

在我无限探索可以用作非类型模板参数的极限的过程中,我试图看看我是否可以使用 std::source_location 作为非类型模板参数。 失败并显示一条奇怪的消息,因为我认为 source_location 是某种神奇的结构...

type 'std::experimental::source_location' of non-type template parameter is not a structural type

它失败了,所以我尝试使用 .file_name 来解决这个问题,但也失败了 (godbolt)。

note: candidate template ignored: substitution failure: pointer to subobject of string literal is not allowed in a template argument


template<auto src_loc = std::experimental::source_location::current().file_name()>
void log_first(){
    static bool dummy =([]{
        std::cout << "Logging first call" + src_loc << std::endl;
    }(), false);

int main() {


明确地说,我问的是使用 source_location 作为模板参数,而不是解决我的玩具示例,它只是为了演示潜在的用例。

std::source_location 指定为:

  struct source_location {
    // ...

    uint_least32_t line_;               // exposition only
    uint_least32_t column_;             // exposition only
    const char* file_name_;             // exposition only
    const char* function_name_;         // exposition only


A structural type is one of the following:

  • a scalar type, or
  • an lvalue reference type, or
  • a literal class type with the following properties:
    • all base classes and non-static data members are public and non-mutable and
    • the types of all bases classes and non-static data members are structural types or (possibly multi-dimensional) array thereof.

source_location 没有它所有的非静态数据成员 public,所以它不是结构化的,所以它不能用作非类型模板参数。


template <auto src_loc = std::experimental::source_location::current().file_name()>

不工作因为 [temp.arg.nontype]/3:

For a non-type template-parameter of reference or pointer type, or for each non-static data member of reference or pointer type in a non-type template-parameter of class type or subobject thereof, the reference or pointer value shall not refer to or be the address of (respectively):

  • [...],
  • a string literal object ([lex.string]),
  • ...

但是你可以做的是创建你自己的类型,即结构化的,可以从 source_location 构造的。只是字符串不能是char const*,它们必须拥有数据。如果您查看 P0732 中的示例,我们可以构建:

template <typename Char, size_t N>
struct basic_fixed_string { ... };

template <basic_fixed_string S> struct A {};

using T = A<"hello">;
