来自 JSON 文件的 Jmeter trim 空格

Jmeter trim whitespaces from a JSON File


      "tipopersona": "M",
      "regimen": "36",
      "periodicidad": "Y",
      "ejercicio": "2020",
      "periodo": "035",
      "periodoDesc": "Del Ejercicio",
      "tipoDeclaracion": "001",
      "tipoDeclaracionDesc": "Normal",
      "tipoComplementaria": "",
      "tipoComplementariaDesc": "",
      "cmbISSIF": "1",
      "obligaciones": [ "0101", "0192" ],
      "preguntasPerfil": { "178": "1" },
      "rfc": "AAC920317CM8",
      "rechazopropuesta": false,
      "fechaVencimiento": "2021-03-31T00:00:00",
      "errores": true,
      "xmldeclaracion": ""

我需要从 Json 中删除空格和换行符,就像 JSR223 或 Beanshell 中的以下示例:



String data = vars.get("json");
data = data.replaceAll(" ", "");
data = data.replaceAll(System.getProperty("line.separator"),"");
vars.put("data", data);

但在 Debug Sampler 中它仍然显示空格:

enter image description here

最简单的方法是在 json 变量上使用 JSON 提取器作为 sampler.Your 代码的子级可能会替换 json 键和值中的所有空格.

  1. Since JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language 用于编写脚本
  2. Groovy has built-in JSON support


vars.put('data', (new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(vars.get('json'))).toString()))

有关 JMeter 中 Groovy 脚本的更多信息:Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It