在 BST 中找到最接近的值

Find Closest Value In BST

为什么我收到一个错误,缺少 1 个必需的位置参数 root = findClosestValueInBst(8,)
类型错误:findClosestValueInBst() 缺少 1 个必需的位置参数:'target'

def findClosestValueInBst (tree, target):
  return findClosestValueInBstHelper(tree, target, float('inf'))

def findClosestValueInBstHelper(tree, target, closest):
  if tree is None:
    return closest
  if abs(target-closest) > abs(target - tree.value):
    closest = tree.value
  if target < tree.value:
    return findClosestValueInBstHelper(tree.left, target, closest)
  elif target > tree.value:
    return findClosestValueInBstHelper(tree.right, target, closest)
    return closest

root = findClosestValueInBst(8,)  
root.left = findClosestValueInBst(5)  
root.right = findClosestValueInBst(14) 
root.left.left = findClosestValueInBst(4)  
root.left.right = findClosestValueInBst(6) 
root.left.right.left = findClosestValueInBst(8)  
root.left.right.right = findClosestValueInBst(7)  
root.right.right = findClosestValueInBst(24) 
root.right.right.left = findClosestValueInBst(22)  
result = findClosestValueInBstHelper(root, 3)


def findClosestValueInBst (tree, target)


root = findClosestValueInBst(8,)


TypeError: findClosestValueInBst() missing 1 required positional argument: 'target'

告诉您它正在尝试调用该函数,但它不能,因为它不知道将名为 'target' 的参数设置为什么,因为您只传入了一个参数。

我看过你的代码,看来你首先需要通过添加节点来创建 BST。这可以通过以下步骤完成 -

  1. 首先创建一个TreeNode class,它有三个参数——valueleft节点和right节点。
  2. 然后在您的辅助函数中,您需要检查哪个子树中存在最接近的值,即在左子树或右子树中。

这段代码应该会给你一个想法 -

class TreeNode:
  def __init__(self, value):
    self.value = value
    self.left = None
    self.right = None

def findClosestValueInBST(tree, target):
  return findClosestValueInBstHelper(tree, target, tree.value)

def findClosestValueInBstHelper(tree, target, closest):
  # Base condition
  if tree is None:
    return closest
  if abs(target - closest) > abs(target - tree.value):
    closest = tree.value
  # If the target is present in the left subtree
  if target < tree.value:
    return findClosestValueInBstHelper(tree.left, target, closest)
  # If the target is present in the right subtree
  elif target > tree.value:
    return findClosestValueInBstHelper(tree.right, target, closest)
    return closest

# Here we are creating the BST
root = TreeNode(8)
root.left = TreeNode(5)  
root.right = TreeNode(14) 
root.left.left = TreeNode(4)  
root.left.right = TreeNode(6) 
root.left.right.left = TreeNode(8)  
root.left.right.right = TreeNode(7)  
root.right.right = TreeNode(24) 
root.right.right.left = TreeNode(22)

closestValue = findClosestValueInBST(root, 3)
print("The closest value is: " + str(closestValue))

closestValue = findClosestValueInBST(root, 19)
print("The closest value is: " + str(closestValue))
