在 VBA 中的 sub 之间传递信息

Passing information between sub in VBA

我正在尝试将一个数组从一个子单元转移到另一个子单元,以便它可以用于计算。计算完成后,我需要将它们发送回第一个 sub。这是我的代码,当我 运行 时,它绝对没有任何反应。

Public Sub SampleStats()
Option Explicit

Dim n As Integer        ' sample size
Dim x() As Double       ' array containing x values
Dim i As Integer        ' loop counter
Dim rang As Double

' variables to hold output from computation subroutines
Dim minVal As Double        ' minimim value
Dim maxVal As Double        ' maximum value
Dim mean As Double          ' mean value
Dim var As Double           ' variance
Dim stdDev As Double        ' standard deviation

' get sample size
n = ActiveCell.Value

' create an array
ReDim x(n - 1)            ' redimension x now that we know how many values we have

' get x values
For i = 0 To n - 1
    x(i) = ActiveCell.Offset(i)
Next i

' Call subroutine to compute statistics
 ' *** put your call statemenAst below (with arguments)
Call ComputeStatistics(x(), n)

 ' Call ComputeStatistics(ByVal ..., ByRef ..., ... )

' now output results
ActiveCell.Offset(0).Value = minVal

ActiveCell.Offset(0).Value = maxVal

ActiveCell.Offset(0).Value = rang

ActiveCell.Offset(0).Value = mean

ActiveCell.Offset(0).Value = var

ActiveCell.Offset(0).Value = stdDev

End Sub

Sub ComputeStatistics(x() As Double, n As Integer)

Dim rang As Double
Dim maxVal As Single
Dim i As Integer
Dim mean As Single
Dim minVal As Double

i = 0
maxVal = x(0)
For i = 1 To UBound(x)
    If maxVal < x(i) Then
         maxVal = x(i)
    End If
Next i

'Computes mean average
i = 0
mean = x(0)
For i = 1 To UBound(x)
    mean = mean + x(i)
Next i
mean = mean / n

'Computes the lowest value
i = 0
minVal = x(0)
For i = 1 To UBound(x)
    If minVal > x(i) Then
         minVal = x(i)
    End If
Next i

'Calulates Range
rang = maxVal - minVal

end sub

问题是您在两个过程中使用相同的 name 声明了局部变量,并且期望它们是相同的变量。例如,您在 SampleStats 中使用变量 minVal,但您从未给它赋值。您在 ComputeStatistics 中声明了一个具有相同名称的单独变量这一事实是无关紧要的。


如果你仍然想分解出 ComputeStatistics 部分,一旦你开始工作,请传入你想要更新的所有变量(例如 minVal、maxVal、rang 等),不要在 ComputeStatistics 过程中声明它们。