Common Lisp:首先解构一个列表,其余的,最后(像 Python 可迭代解包)

Common Lisp: Destructure a list in first, rest, last (like Python iterable unpacking)

David Touretzky 的 Common Lisp 书的练习 6.36 要求一个函数 swap-first-last 交换任何列表的第一个和最后一个参数。我现在觉得真的很愚蠢,但我无法用 destructuring-bind.


如何在 Python 中执行 first, *rest, last = (1,2,3,4)(可迭代解包)在 Common Lisp/with destructuring-bind 中?

经过所有尝试,加上@WillNess 的一些评论(谢谢!)我想出了这个主意:


这个想法是尝试细分列表并在 destructuring-bind 中使用 lambda 列表的 &rest 功能,但是,使用更短的 . 符号 - 并使用 butlastcar-last 组合。

(defmacro bind ((first _rest last) expr &body body)
`(destructuring-bind ((,first . ,_rest) ,last) 
    `(,,(butlast expr) ,,(car (last expr)))


(bind (f _rest l) (list 1 2 3 4) 
  (list f _rest l))
;; => (1 (2 3) 4)


没有像 Python 这样优雅的可能性。 destructuring-bind 无法与 lambda 绑定更多不同的方式:lambda 列表仅将整个其余部分视为 &rest <name-for-rest>。 没有办法直接取出最后一个元素。 (当然没办法,除非你为这种问题额外写一个宏)。

(destructuring-bind (first &rest rest) (list 1 2 3 4)
  (let* ((last (car (last rest)))
         (*rest (butlast rest)))
    (list first *rest last)))
;;=> (1 (2 3) 4)

;; or:
(destructuring-bind (first . rest) (list 1 2 3 4)
  (let* ((last (car (last rest)))
         (*rest (butlast rest)))
   (list first *rest last)))

当然,你是 lisp,理论上你可以写宏来 destructuring-bind 以更复杂的方式...

但是,destructuring-bind 并不比:

(defparameter *l* '(1 2 3 4))

(let ((first (car *l*))
      (*rest (butlast (cdr *l*)))
      (last (car (last *l*))))
  (list first *rest last))

;;=> (1 (2 3) 4)


向您展示,在 common lisp 中生成这样一个宏的速度有多快:

;; first-*rest-last is a macro which destructures list for their 
;; first, middle and last elements.
;; I guess more skilled lisp programmers could write you
;; kind of a more generalized `destructuring-bind` with some extra syntax ;; that can distinguish the middle pieces like `*rest` from `&rest rest`.
;; But I don't know reader macros that well yet.

(ql:quickload :alexandria)

(defmacro first-*rest-last ((first *rest last) expr &body body)
  (let ((rest))
    (alexandria:once-only (rest)
      `(destructuring-bind (,first . ,rest) ,expr
        (destructuring-bind (,last . ,*rest) (nreverse ,rest)
          (let ((,*rest (nreverse ,*rest)))

;; or an easier definition:

(defmacro first-*rest-last ((first *rest last) expr &body body)
  (alexandria:once-only (expr)
    `(let ((,first (car ,expr))
           (,*rest (butlast (cdr ,expr)))
           (,last (car (last ,expr))))


;; you give in the list after `first-*rest-last` the name of the variables
;; which should capture the first, middle and last part of your list-giving expression
;; which you then can use in the body.

(first-*rest-last (a b c) (list 1 2 3 4)
  (list a b c))
;;=> (1 (2 3) 4)

此宏允许您为列表的 first*restlast 部分指定任何名称,您可以在宏的主体中进一步处理, 希望有助于提高代码的可读性。