重新加载后在页面上使用 getDisplayMedia 继续录制

Continue recording with getDisplayMedia on page after reload

我正在使用 navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia 在网页上录制我的屏幕。但是当我重新加载页面时,它停止了。我想自动继续录制。可能吗?


有什么办法吗,也许 service workers 可以这样?谢谢

MediaStream 与其领域的 responsible document. When this document's permission policy 更改相关联,或者如果文档终止(卸载),则 MediaStream 捕获的轨道将结束。

解决您的问题的唯一方法是从您的用户必须一直打开的其他文档 (popup/tab) 开始录制。

Here is a plnkr 演示了这一点,但是对于您的用户来说处理起来可能相当复杂...


const button = document.querySelector( "button" );
const video = document.querySelector( "video" );
// We use a broadcast channel to let the popup window know we did reload
// When the popup receives the message
// it will set our video's src to its stream
const broadcast = new BroadcastChannel( "persistent-mediastream" );
broadcast.postMessage( "ping" );
// wait a bit for the popup has the time to set our video's src
setTimeout( () => {
  if( !video.srcObject ) { // there is no popup yet
    button.onclick = (evt) => {
      const popup = open( "stream-master.html" );
  else {
}, 100);
function clean() {
  document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", "<h4>You can reload this page and the stream will survive</h4>")


let stream;
const broadcast = new BroadcastChannel( "persistent-mediastream" );
// when opener reloads
broadcast.onmessage = setOpenersVideoSource;

const button = document.querySelector( "button" );
// we need to handle an user-gesture to request the MediaStream
button.onclick = async (evt) => {
  stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia( { video: true } );
  document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", "<h4>Go back to the previous tab</h4>");
function setOpenersVideoSource() {
  if( opener ) {
    opener.document.querySelector( "video" ).srcObject = stream;