此表达式不可调用。类型 'Thunk<Collections, undefined, any, {}, any>' 没有调用签名

This expression is not callable. Type 'Thunk<Collections, undefined, any, {}, any>' has no call signatures


const action = useStoreActions( (actions : StoreModel) => actions.collections.fetchCollections);

useEffect( () => {

这是我的集合对象,我想访问 fetchCollections。 这是任何简单易行的 React 状态管理代码。 P.S:这里我去掉了fetchCollectionsRequest, fetchCollectionsSuccess, fetchCollectionsFailure.

import { Action, action, thunk, Thunk } from 'easy-peasy';

export interface Collections {
    isLoading : boolean;
    collections : any[];
    error : string;
    fetchCollections : Thunk<Collections>;

export const collectionsModel : Collections = {
    isLoading : false,
    collections : [],
    error : '',
    fetchCollections : thunk( actions => {
            .then( res => actions.fetchCollectionsSuccess(res.data))
            .catch( err => actions.fetchCollectionsFailure(err.message));

这是我的 model.tsx

import { collectionsModel, Collections } from './collectionsModel';

export interface StoreModel {
    collections : Collections;;

export const model = {
    collections : collectionsModel,

这是因为您正在键入 useStoreActions 挂钩的 actions 参数(它不直接符合正确的类型)。

而是使用 typed hooks:

// outside the component
import { createTypedHooks } from 'easy-peasy';

const { useStoreActions } = createTypedHooks<StoreModel>();

// inside the component:
const { fetchCollections } = useStoreActions(actions => actions.collections);