有没有办法关闭 Upsource 中所有打开的评论?
Is there a way to close all open reviews in Upsource?
我如何在 upsource 中批量关闭所有打开的评论?
public class Rootobject
public Result result { get; set; }
public class Result
public Review[] reviews { get; set; }
public bool hasMore { get; set; }
public int totalCount { get; set; }
public class Review
public Reviewid reviewId { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public Participant[] participants { get; set; }
public int state { get; set; }
public bool isUnread { get; set; }
public bool isReadyToClose { get; set; }
public bool isRemoved { get; set; }
public long createdAt { get; set; }
public string createdBy { get; set; }
public long updatedAt { get; set; }
public Completionrate completionRate { get; set; }
public Discussioncounter discussionCounter { get; set; }
public bool isMuted { get; set; }
public string description { get; set; }
public class Reviewid
public string projectId { get; set; }
public string reviewId { get; set; }
public class Completionrate
public int completedCount { get; set; }
public int reviewersCount { get; set; }
public bool hasConcern { get; set; }
public class Discussioncounter
public int count { get; set; }
public bool hasUnresolved { get; set; }
public int unresolvedCount { get; set; }
public int resolvedCount { get; set; }
public class Participant
public string userId { get; set; }
public int role { get; set; }
public int state { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string token="Authorization: Basic username:password";//username:password with base64 encoded
var s = HttpPOST("http://your-upsource-address/~rpc/getReviews",
"{\"projectId\":\"projectId\", \"limit\":2000,\"query\":\"state: open\"}", token);
var reviews = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Rootobject>(s);
foreach (Review resultReview in reviews.result.reviews)
string review = $"{{\"reviewId\":{{\"projectId\":\"projectId\",\"reviewId\":\"{resultReview.reviewId.reviewId}\"}},\"isFlagged\":true}}";
HttpPOST("http://your-upsource-addres/~rpc/closeReview", review, token);
public static string HttpPOST(string url, string querystring, string token)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
StreamWriter requestWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream());
requestWriter = null;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
return sr.ReadToEnd();
有很多开放的评论,我不想手动关闭。 我想关闭旧的开放评论。 我如何在 upsource 中批量关闭所有打开的评论?
我用upsource写了一个简单的代码api。 这是关闭所有打开的评论的示例代码。
public class Rootobject
public Result result { get; set; }
public class Result
public Review[] reviews { get; set; }
public bool hasMore { get; set; }
public int totalCount { get; set; }
public class Review
public Reviewid reviewId { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public Participant[] participants { get; set; }
public int state { get; set; }
public bool isUnread { get; set; }
public bool isReadyToClose { get; set; }
public bool isRemoved { get; set; }
public long createdAt { get; set; }
public string createdBy { get; set; }
public long updatedAt { get; set; }
public Completionrate completionRate { get; set; }
public Discussioncounter discussionCounter { get; set; }
public bool isMuted { get; set; }
public string description { get; set; }
public class Reviewid
public string projectId { get; set; }
public string reviewId { get; set; }
public class Completionrate
public int completedCount { get; set; }
public int reviewersCount { get; set; }
public bool hasConcern { get; set; }
public class Discussioncounter
public int count { get; set; }
public bool hasUnresolved { get; set; }
public int unresolvedCount { get; set; }
public int resolvedCount { get; set; }
public class Participant
public string userId { get; set; }
public int role { get; set; }
public int state { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string token="Authorization: Basic username:password";//username:password with base64 encoded
var s = HttpPOST("http://your-upsource-address/~rpc/getReviews",
"{\"projectId\":\"projectId\", \"limit\":2000,\"query\":\"state: open\"}", token);
var reviews = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Rootobject>(s);
foreach (Review resultReview in reviews.result.reviews)
string review = $"{{\"reviewId\":{{\"projectId\":\"projectId\",\"reviewId\":\"{resultReview.reviewId.reviewId}\"}},\"isFlagged\":true}}";
HttpPOST("http://your-upsource-addres/~rpc/closeReview", review, token);
public static string HttpPOST(string url, string querystring, string token)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
StreamWriter requestWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream());
requestWriter = null;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
return sr.ReadToEnd();