我想用柏树断言 ag 网格行中的文本,但无法获得正确的数据格式

I want to assert text in ag grid rows with cypress but not able to get correct data format

我想搜索一个 Apple 并断言如果 Apple 出现在行中至少一列。

cy.get('[row-id] [role=\"grid\"]').each((item) => {


expected { Object (userInvocationStack, specWindow, ...) } to have text Apple

You attempted to make a chai-jQuery assertion on an object that is neither a DOM object or a jQuery object.

The chai-jQuery assertion you used was:

  > text

The invalid subject you asserted on was:

  > SeanLandsmanAppleCarrot

To use chai-jQuery assertions your subject must be valid.

This can sometimes happen if a previous assertion changed the subject.

.text() 方法将值作为单个字符串返回,因此断言失败。有没有办法让我获得价值“Sean Landsman Apple Carrot”而不是“SeanLandsmanAppleCarrot”


行中的一列是一个“单元格”,在 DOM 中它是一个 span 和 class “ag-cell”,所以这个

cy.contains('span.ag-cell', 'Apple');   // Apple anywhere


可能是您想检查“Sean Landsman”行中是否有“Apple”,在这种情况下

cy.contains('span.ag-cell', 'Sean Landsman')  // find the name
  .parent('div.ag-row')                       // select the row
  .contains('Apple');                         // Apple in that row


cy.contains('span.ag-cell', 'Sean Landsman')  // find the name
  .parent('div.ag-row')                       // select the row
  .find('span.ag-cell')                       // all the cells in that row
  .then(cells => {
    return [...cells].map(cell => cell.text())  // map them to their texts
  .should('deep.eq', ['Sean Landsman', 'Apple', 'Carrot']);

  // or might be ['', 'Sean Landsman', 'Apple', 'Carrot'] since there's a checkbox