Azure 存储帐户 - 准备故障转移失败 "Last sync time is unavailable"

Azure Storage Account - Prepare for a failover fails with "Last sync time is unavailable"

我有一个“RA-GRS”类型的 Azure 存储帐户,如下所示




注意:我已经关注了这篇文章 - Prepare for a failover

有一个 known issue,在创建帐户或转换为 (RA-)GRS 后的 4 小时内无法进行帐户故障转移。这些情况中的任何一种都会导致您提到的错误。

we currently have an ongoing issue with account failover wherein it can only be initiated once LastSyncTime is more than 4 hours after account creation time or after the time the account was converted to (RA-)GRS. E.g. if the account was created at 1 pm, then the LST should be 5 pm in order for the failover to work. We're working on the resolution right now, but I don't have the ETA quite yet.

您还应该 check the last sync time 以确保它可用。

$lastSyncTime = $(Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName <resource-group> `
    -Name <storage-account> `