Apache POI:${my_placeholder} 被视为三个不同的运行

Apache POI: ${my_placeholder} is treated as three different runs

我有一个 .docx 模板,其中包含要填充的占位符,例如 ${programming_language}${education}

占位符关键字 必须 容易与其他普通词区分开来,因此它们用 ${ }.

for (XWPFTable table : doc.getTables()) {
  for (XWPFTableRow row : table.getRows()) {
    for (XWPFTableCell cell : row.getTableCells()) {
      for (XWPFParagraph paragraph : cell.getParagraphs()) {
        for (XWPFRun run : paragraph.getRuns()) {
          System.out.println("run text: " + run.text());
          /** replace text here, etc. */

我想将占位符与封闭的 ${ } 字符一起提取。问题是,似乎封闭字符被视为不同的运行...

run text: ${
run text: programming_language
run text: }
run text: Some plain text here 
run text: ${
run text: education
run text: }


run text: ${programming_language}
run text: Some plain text here
run text: ${education}

我试过使用其他封闭字符,例如:{ }< ># #

我不想做一些奇怪的 runs 连接等。我想在单个 XWPFRun 中使用它。


当前 apache poi 4.1.2 提供 TextSegment to deal with those Word text-run issues. XWPFParagraph.searchText 搜索段落中的字符串和 returns 一个 TextSegment。这提供了对该段落中该文本的开头 运行 和结尾 运行 的访问(BeginRunEndRun)。它还提供对开始 运行 中的起始字符位置和结束 运行 中的结束字符位置(BeginCharEndChar)的访问。 它还提供对文本 运行(BeginTextEndText)中文本元素索引的访问。这始终应该是 0,因为默认文本 运行 只有一个文本元素。


将begin 运行中找到的部分字符串替换为replacement。为此,获取搜索字符串之前的文本部分并将替换连接到它。之后开始 运行 完全包含替换。

删除开始 运行 和结束 运行 之间的所有文本 运行,因为它们包含不再需要的搜索字符串部分。


这样做我们可以替换多个文本中的文本 运行s.


import java.io.*;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.*;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.*;

public class WordReplaceTextSegment {

 static public void replaceTextSegment(XWPFParagraph paragraph, String textToFind, String replacement) {
  TextSegment foundTextSegment = null;
  PositionInParagraph startPos = new PositionInParagraph(0, 0, 0);
  while((foundTextSegment = paragraph.searchText(textToFind, startPos)) != null) { // search all text segments having text to find


   // maybe there is text before textToFind in begin run
   XWPFRun beginRun = paragraph.getRuns().get(foundTextSegment.getBeginRun());
   String textInBeginRun = beginRun.getText(foundTextSegment.getBeginText());
   String textBefore = textInBeginRun.substring(0, foundTextSegment.getBeginChar()); // we only need the text before

   // maybe there is text after textToFind in end run
   XWPFRun endRun = paragraph.getRuns().get(foundTextSegment.getEndRun());
   String textInEndRun = endRun.getText(foundTextSegment.getEndText());
   String textAfter = textInEndRun.substring(foundTextSegment.getEndChar() + 1); // we only need the text after

   if (foundTextSegment.getEndRun() == foundTextSegment.getBeginRun()) { 
    textInBeginRun = textBefore + replacement + textAfter; // if we have only one run, we need the text before, then the replacement, then the text after in that run
   } else {
    textInBeginRun = textBefore + replacement; // else we need the text before followed by the replacement in begin run
    endRun.setText(textAfter, foundTextSegment.getEndText()); // and the text after in end run

   beginRun.setText(textInBeginRun, foundTextSegment.getBeginText());

   // runs between begin run and end run needs to be removed
   for (int runBetween = foundTextSegment.getEndRun() - 1; runBetween > foundTextSegment.getBeginRun(); runBetween--) {
    paragraph.removeRun(runBetween); // remove not needed runs


 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

  XWPFDocument doc = new XWPFDocument(new FileInputStream("source.docx"));

  String textToFind = "${This is the text to find}"; // might be in different runs
  String replacement = "Replacement text";

  for (XWPFParagraph paragraph : doc.getParagraphs()) { //go through all paragraphs
   if (paragraph.getText().contains(textToFind)) { // paragraph contains text to find
    replaceTextSegment(paragraph, textToFind, replacement);

  FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("result.docx");


以上代码并非在所有情况下都有效,因为 XWPFParagraph.searchText 存在错误。所以我会提供一个更好的searchText方法:

 * this methods parse the paragraph and search for the string searched.
 * If it finds the string, it will return true and the position of the String
 * will be saved in the parameter startPos.
 * @param searched
 * @param startPos
static TextSegment searchText(XWPFParagraph paragraph, String searched, PositionInParagraph startPos) {
    int startRun = startPos.getRun(),
        startText = startPos.getText(),
        startChar = startPos.getChar();
    int beginRunPos = 0, candCharPos = 0;
    boolean newList = false;

    //CTR[] rArray = paragraph.getRArray(); //This does not contain all runs. It lacks hyperlink runs for ex.
    java.util.List<XWPFRun> runs = paragraph.getRuns(); 
    int beginTextPos = 0, beginCharPos = 0; //must be outside the for loop
    //for (int runPos = startRun; runPos < rArray.length; runPos++) {
    for (int runPos = startRun; runPos < runs.size(); runPos++) {
        //int beginTextPos = 0, beginCharPos = 0, textPos = 0, charPos; //int beginTextPos = 0, beginCharPos = 0 must be outside the for loop
        int textPos = 0, charPos;
        //CTR ctRun = rArray[runPos];
        CTR ctRun = runs.get(runPos).getCTR();
        XmlCursor c = ctRun.newCursor();
        try {
            while (c.toNextSelection()) {
                XmlObject o = c.getObject();
                if (o instanceof CTText) {
                    if (textPos >= startText) {
                        String candidate = ((CTText) o).getStringValue();
                        if (runPos == startRun) {
                            charPos = startChar;
                        } else {
                            charPos = 0;

                        for (; charPos < candidate.length(); charPos++) {
                            if ((candidate.charAt(charPos) == searched.charAt(0)) && (candCharPos == 0)) {
                                beginTextPos = textPos;
                                beginCharPos = charPos;
                                beginRunPos = runPos;
                                newList = true;
                            if (candidate.charAt(charPos) == searched.charAt(candCharPos)) {
                                if (candCharPos + 1 < searched.length()) {
                                } else if (newList) {
                                    TextSegment segment = new TextSegment();
                                    return segment;
                            } else {
                                candCharPos = 0;
                } else if (o instanceof CTProofErr) {
                } else if (o instanceof CTRPr) {
                    //do nothing
                } else {
                    candCharPos = 0;
        } finally {
    return null;


while((foundTextSegment = searchText(paragraph, textToFind, startPos)) != null) {

就像有人评论了您的问题一样,您无法控制 Word 在某些 运行 中拆分段落的位置或时间。如果其他答案仍然无法帮助您,那么我有办法解决它:


    public void mainMethod(XWPFParagraph paragraph) {
        if (paragraph.getRuns().size() > 1) {
            String myRun = unifyRuns(paragraph.getRuns());
            // make the verification of placeholders ${...}
            while(paragraph.getRuns().size() > 1) {
    private String unifyRuns(List<XWPFRun> runElements) {
        StringBuilder unifiedRun = new StringBuilder();
        for (XWPFRun run : runElements) {
        return unifiedRun.toString();


这里的问题是,当Word将段落分成运行s时,它不会白做,因为当有不同字体的文本时(比如font-family或font-size), 它将文本分隔在不同的 运行s.

在文本“这是我的 粗体 文本”中,Word 将拆分文本以将粗体文本和普通文本分开。然后,如果您使用 POI 创建具有不同类型字体的大型文档,则上面的代码是一个糟糕的解决方案。在这种情况下,您需要首先验证 运行 是否实际上是粗体,然后您将处理占位符。

同样,这是我找到的“解决方案”,但尚未完成。抱歉出现英文错误,我正在使用 Google 翻译来写这个答案。