无法将 fileReplacements 设置为用 Angular 11 替换文件夹内容

Cannot set fileReplacements to replace folder content with Angular 11

我在 angular.json 文件中使用 angular cli 配置 fileReplacements 来替换文件夹内容,如下所示:

  "projects": {
    "myProject": {
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          "configurations": {
            "prod": {
              "fileReplacements": [
                  "replace": "src/environments/environment.ts",
                  "with": "src/environments/environment.prod.ts"
                  "replace": "node_modules/moment/locale/",
                  "with": "src/moment-js-locale/"

请注意,在 replace 值中,我使用的是文件夹路径而不是文件路径。 这是 Angular 10.


我升级到 Angular 11,现在我在尝试使用此命令构建产品版本时遇到错误: ng build --prod


Schema validation failed with the following errors:
  Data path ".fileReplacements[1]" should NOT have additional properties(replace).
  Data path ".fileReplacements[1].replace" should match pattern "\.(([cm]?j|t)sx?|json)$".
  Data path ".fileReplacements[1]" should match exactly one schema in oneOf.

ESLint 向我显示此警告:

String does not match the pattern of "\.(([cm]?j|t)sx?|json)$".

我能用它做什么?这是 Angular 11 错误吗?我应该使用不同的方法吗?


原来这个特征实际上是一个错误 在 Angular 10 之前可以进行文件夹替换这一事实从一开始就不应该起作用。

我在 angular-cli repo 中问了这个问题,这是我得到的答案:

I am sorry that you are experiencing this issue after updating. However, replacing directories was never a supported use-case of the file replacements feature.

我想这需要开发人员来处理。 在我的例子中,我只是添加了一个脚本来使用 shell 命令来执行此操作,并且我将此脚本 运行 作为使用 npm run script.


我成功地为 web.config 和专用于生产的图像进行了以下配置(我将生产文件放入 src/deployment/prod 并将它们复制到 dist 目录到“输出”变量的目录中):

"fileReplacements": [
        "replace": "src/environments/environment.ts",
        "with": "src/environments/environment.prod.ts"
"assets": [
        "input": "src/deployment/prod",
        "output": "/",
        "glob": "web.config"
        "input": "src/deployment/prod",
        "output": "assets/img",
        "glob": "*.png"


    "input": "node_modules/moment/locale/", -- source folder in ClientApp/
    "output": "moment-js-locale", -- destination folder in dist/
    "glob": "*.js" -- all js files will be copied