从 dmenu 块启动进程 XMonad
Launching a process from dmenu blocks XMonad
我从 XMonad.Util.Dmenu 获取的函数有问题,即 dmenuXinerama(见下文)。好像是这样:
These functions block xmonad's event loop until dmenu exits; this
means that programs will not be able to open new windows and you will
not be able to change workspaces or input focus until you have
responded to the prompt one way or another.
发生的事情是我生成了一个菜单实例并且它出现了,但是一旦我从那里 运行 一些东西,一切都被阻止了,我什么也做不了。
dmenuXinerama :: [String] -> X String
dmenuXinerama opts = do
curscreen <- (fromIntegral . W.screen . W.current) `fmap` gets windowset :: X Int
io $ runProcessWithInput "dmenu_run" ["-m", show curscreen] (unlines opts)
-- Spawn dmenu
, ((modMask, xK_p), void $ dmenuXinerama [])
dmenuXinerama :: [String] -> X String
dmenuXinerama opts = do
curscreen <-
(fromIntegral . W.screen . W.current) `fmap` gets windowset :: X Int
_ <-
runProcessWithInput "dmenu_run" ["-m", show curscreen] (unlines opts)
menuArgs "dmenu_run" ["-m", show curscreen] opts
-- | Like 'menu' but also takes a list of command line arguments.
menuArgs :: MonadIO m => String -> [String] -> [String] -> m String
menuArgs menuCmd args opts = liftM (filter (/='\n')) $
runProcessWithInput menuCmd args (unlines opts)
我认为 dmenu_run
不会退出(直到您使用它启动的程序退出),因此它不适合与 runProcessWithInput
一起使用。使用 dmenu_path
和 dmenu
代替,然后 spawn
pickExe :: X ()
pickExe = do
exes <- runProcessWithInput "dmenu_path" [] ""
exe <- dmenuXinerama (lines exes)
spawn exe
上面片段中的 dmenuXinerama
是您可以从 XMonad.Util.Dmenu
导入的片段,而不是您从问题中修改的片段。 (spawn
来自 XMonad.Core
如果您对 Monad
pickExe = spawn =<< dmenuXinerama . lines =<< runProcessWithInput "dmenu_path" [] ""
我从 XMonad.Util.Dmenu 获取的函数有问题,即 dmenuXinerama(见下文)。好像是这样:
These functions block xmonad's event loop until dmenu exits; this means that programs will not be able to open new windows and you will not be able to change workspaces or input focus until you have responded to the prompt one way or another.
发生的事情是我生成了一个菜单实例并且它出现了,但是一旦我从那里 运行 一些东西,一切都被阻止了,我什么也做不了。
dmenuXinerama :: [String] -> X String
dmenuXinerama opts = do
curscreen <- (fromIntegral . W.screen . W.current) `fmap` gets windowset :: X Int
io $ runProcessWithInput "dmenu_run" ["-m", show curscreen] (unlines opts)
-- Spawn dmenu
, ((modMask, xK_p), void $ dmenuXinerama [])
dmenuXinerama :: [String] -> X String
dmenuXinerama opts = do
curscreen <-
(fromIntegral . W.screen . W.current) `fmap` gets windowset :: X Int
_ <-
runProcessWithInput "dmenu_run" ["-m", show curscreen] (unlines opts)
menuArgs "dmenu_run" ["-m", show curscreen] opts
-- | Like 'menu' but also takes a list of command line arguments.
menuArgs :: MonadIO m => String -> [String] -> [String] -> m String
menuArgs menuCmd args opts = liftM (filter (/='\n')) $
runProcessWithInput menuCmd args (unlines opts)
我认为 dmenu_run
不会退出(直到您使用它启动的程序退出),因此它不适合与 runProcessWithInput
一起使用。使用 dmenu_path
和 dmenu
代替,然后 spawn
pickExe :: X ()
pickExe = do
exes <- runProcessWithInput "dmenu_path" [] ""
exe <- dmenuXinerama (lines exes)
spawn exe
上面片段中的 dmenuXinerama
是您可以从 XMonad.Util.Dmenu
导入的片段,而不是您从问题中修改的片段。 (spawn
来自 XMonad.Core
如果您对 Monad
pickExe = spawn =<< dmenuXinerama . lines =<< runProcessWithInput "dmenu_path" [] ""