
Combine result of same user into one result


例如,在图像记录编号 6 和 7 中,应合并结果并添加“txtApplTotalDays”。我被困在这里了。顺便说一下,我使用的是 SQL Server 2014。

select txtApplName, type.LeaveTypeDesc, department.DeptName, txtManagerName, final.txtApplTotalDays, final.txtApplLeaveStartDate, final.txtApplLeaveEndDate
from [dbo].[EN_TBL_FINAL_FORM] final 
INNER JOIN EN_TBL_MAST_DEPARTMENT department on final.lstApplDepartment = department.DeptID
INNER JOIN EN_TBL_MAST_LEAVETYPE type on final.lstApplLeaveType =type.LeaveTypeID 
where final.txtApplLeaveStartDate >= 'GETDATE()-10' and final.txtApplLeaveEndDate <= 'GETDATE()'

Sample Data:

txtApplName  LeaveTypeDesc     DeptName    txtManagerName    txtApplTotalDays
Ng            Hospitalization  Development    PH               2.0
Aqila         Maternity Leave    Human        ELE              1.0
Sharah        Annual Leave      Human         ELE              1.0
Sharah        Annual Leave      Human         ELE              1.0
Aqilah        Annual Leave      Human         ELE              1.0

Expected Data:

txtApplName  LeaveTypeDesc     DeptName    txtManagerName    txtApplTotalDays
Ng            Hospitalization  Development    PH                2.0
Aqilah        Maternity Leave    Human        ELE               1.0
Sharah        Annual Leave      Human         ELE               2.0
Aqila         Annual Leave      Human         ELE               1.0

我猜你正在寻找 GROUP BY。对于提供的示例数据,您可以使用以下查询来实现您的预​​期结果。

SELECT txtApplName,LeaveTypeDesc, DeptName,txtManagerName,SUM(txtApplTotalDays)
GROUP BY txtApplName,LeaveTypeDesc, DeptName,txtManagerName