如何检查 foursquare api oauth 令牌过期?
How to check foursquare api oauth token expiration?
- 什么是默认的 foursquare api oauth 令牌过期时间?
- 如何检查任何给定令牌的过期时间?
- 如何延长 oauth 令牌的生存时间?
Access tokens allow apps to make requests to Foursquare on the behalf
of a user. Each access token is unique to the user and consumer key.
Access tokens do not expire, but they may be revoked by the user. If
your application doesn't require connecting with Foursquare users, you
can skip directly to Userless Access.
- 什么是默认的 foursquare api oauth 令牌过期时间?
- 如何检查任何给定令牌的过期时间?
- 如何延长 oauth 令牌的生存时间?
Access tokens allow apps to make requests to Foursquare on the behalf of a user. Each access token is unique to the user and consumer key. Access tokens do not expire, but they may be revoked by the user. If your application doesn't require connecting with Foursquare users, you can skip directly to Userless Access.