根据 Java 中的文件名删除数据库 table

Delete database table based on the file names in Java

我有下面的 class IImporter 代码,到目前为止工作正常。我每天收到许多 zip 文件,其中包含名称为 'EQUFULLFILE''NONEQUFULLFILE' 的目录,我试图从该目录读取文件并在数据库 table 'EquData''NonEquData' 相应地。在处理之前,我只是想从这个数据库中删除所有数据 table。

但是我在我的代码中发现了问题。有时当我在目录 'EQUFULLFILE' or 'NONEQUFULLFILE' 中没有收到任何文件时,它只是从数据库 table.


我只需要稍微修改我的代码以适应逻辑,这样当我在目录中没有收到任何文件时 'EQUFULLFILE' 那么它不应该从数据库中删除任何数据 table 'EquData'.当我没有在 'NONEQUFULLFILE' 目录中收到任何文件时,它不应从数据库 table 'NonEquData'.



public class IImporter {

    private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IImporter.class);
    private final static String EQU_FILE_TAG = "EQUFULLFILE";
    private final static String NONEQU_FILE_TAG = "NONEQUFULLFILE";

    private boolean isEquity;

    private IFullreader IFullreader;

    private ZipWalker zipWalker;

    private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    public void importDir(Path indir) throws IOException {
        log.info("Delete all table DATA");

    //here the logic should be changed and based on file name table should be deleted
        sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("delete from EquData").executeUpdate();
        sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("delete from NonEquData").executeUpdate();

        log.info("Process directory" + indir.toString());

        Files.walk(indir, 1, FOLLOW_LINKS)
            .filter(f -> f.toString().endsWith(".zip"))
            .forEach(f -> zipWalker.processZipFile(f, this::importFile));

    private void importFile(Path path) {
        this.isEquity = path.getFileName().toString().contains(EQU_FILE_TAG);
        if (isEquity) {
        //code for reading data from file EQUFULLFILE
        else {
        //code for reading data from file NONEQUFULLFILE

您已 EQU_FILE_TAG 定义了两次。我怀疑这是一个打字错误。


public class IImporter {

    private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IImporter.class);
    private final static String EQU_FILE_TAG = "EQUFULLFILE";
    private final static String NONEQU_FILE_TAG = "NONEQUFULLFILE";

    private boolean isEquity;
    private boolean equFileFirstTime = true;
    private boolean nonequFileFirstTime = true;  

    private IFullreader IFullreader;

    private ZipWalker zipWalker;

    private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    public void importDir(Path indir) throws IOException {
        log.info("Process directory" + indir.toString());

        Files.walk(indir, 1, FOLLOW_LINKS)
            .filter(f -> f.toString().endsWith(".zip"))
            .forEach(f -> zipWalker.processZipFile(f, this::importFile));

    private void importFile(Path path) {
        this.isEquity = path.getFileName().toString().contains(EQU_FILE_TAG);
        if (isEquity) {
            if (equFileFirstTime) {
                log.info("Delete EQUFULLFILE table DATA");
                sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("delete from EquData").executeUpdate();
                equFileFirstTime = false;
            //code for reading data from file EQUFULLFILE
        else {
            if (nonequFileFirstTime) {
                log.info("Delete NONEQUFULLFILE table DATA");
                sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("delete from NonEquData").executeUpdate();
                nonequFileFirstTime = false;
            //code for reading data from file NONEQUFULLFILE