将指向相同派生 class 实例的任何指针向上转换为虚拟基指针将始终 return 相同地址? C++

Upcasting any pointer to the same derived class instance to a virtual base pointer will always return the same address? C++



class A {};
class B : virtual public A {};
class C : virtual public A {};
class D : public B, public C {};

class E{};
class F{};

class G : public D, public E{};
class H : public D, public F{};
class I : public G, public H{};


class X: ... {} //Some inheritance that has A as virtual base

//We start with pointers from an X type instance:
X x;
X* p_i = &x;

//We always end with A* pointers following different paths:
A* a_i = (A*) ...


但如果是这种情况并扩展问题,如果我们获得了相同的地址(仅通过转换)但使用不同的路径,我们是否会以与我们获得相同的这种情况“相似”的情况结束地址,但如果我们想使用最终指针,我们不能保证以定义的行为结束? Link to ccpreference where the following note is shown:


struct C {
   int x, y;
} c;
int* px = &c.x;   // value of px is "pointer to c.x"
int* pxe= px + 1; // value of pxe is "pointer past the end of c.x"
int* py = &c.y;   // value of py is "pointer to c.y"
assert(pxe == py); // == tests if two pointers represent the same address
                   // may or may not fire
*pxe = 1; // undefined behavior even if the assertion does not fire

答案是肯定的。您应该尝试使用 C++ 风格的代码而不是 C 风格的代码。当您使用 C 风格时,您的代码无法获得可在 C++ 风格中使用的所有功能。这就是 C++ 存在的原因,它是面向对象的。 ;)

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