为什么我的代码无法通过 leetcode 提交,而 "Run code" 中的相同测试用例通过了

Why my code can't pass the leetcode submission while the same test case in "Run code" pass it

Link 问题:653. Two Sum IV - Input is a BST 我的代码无法通过相同的测试用例提交:

 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * type TreeNode struct {
 *     Val int
 *     Left *TreeNode
 *     Right *TreeNode
 * }

var Begin *TreeNode=nil

func findTarget(root *TreeNode, k int) bool {
        return false
        return true
    return findTarget(root.Left,k) || findTarget(root.Right,k)

func search(node *TreeNode,complement int) bool{
    var curr *TreeNode=Begin
    for curr!=nil{
        }else if(complement<curr.Val){
                return false
                return true
    return false

我用c++写过、java、python,逻辑一样,都提交通过了,奇怪的是我用的是这个测试用例(我把测试用例从提交错误提醒) " [0,-1,2,-3,null,null,4],-4 " "运行 Code" 过程接受结果,但是用相同的测试用例提交,仍然提示错误提交.

这是因为您的 Begin 是在所有内容之前声明的,它并不总是初始化为 nil。尝试类似的东西:

 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * type TreeNode struct {
 *     Val int
 *     Left *TreeNode
 *     Right *TreeNode
 * }
func foo(root * TreeNode, k int, Begin * TreeNode) bool {
    if (Begin == nil) {
        Begin = root
    if (root == nil) {
        return false
    if search(root, k - root.Val, Begin) {
        return true
    return foo(root.Left, k, Begin) || foo(root.Right, k, Begin)

func findTarget(root * TreeNode, k int) bool {
    var Begin * TreeNode = nil
    return foo(root, k, Begin)

func search(node * TreeNode, complement int, Begin * TreeNode) bool {
    var curr * TreeNode = Begin
    for curr != nil {
        if (complement > curr.Val) {
            curr = curr.Right
        } else if (complement < curr.Val) {
            curr = curr.Left
        } else {
            if (curr == node) {
                return false
            } else {
                return true
    return false