C 数组排序中交换最后一个元素的问题

swapping last element problem in sorting C array


#include <stdio.h>

int * findMin(int * start,int * end) ///function to return the adress of the smallest array element
    int *min = start;
    int x;
    int size = (end - start);
    for(x=0; x<size; x++)
        if (*(start+x)<*min)
            min = (start+x);
    return min;


void sort(int * start, int  * end)  ///funtion to sort the array in ascending order
    int x,temp;
    int size = (end - start);
    for (x = 0; x <size; x++) 
        if ( *(start+x) > *findMin(start,end))
            temp = *findMin(start+x,end);
            *findMin(start+x,end) = *(start+x);
            *(start+x) = temp;

int main()

    int arr[10]={5,11,3,12,17,25,1,9,14,2};
    for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
        printf("%d ",arr[i]);



int size = (end - start);


int size = end - start + 1;




        temp = *findMin(start+x,end);
        *findMin(start+x,end) = *(start+x);
        *(start+x) = temp;



#include <stdio.h>

int * findMin( const int * start, const int * end ) ///function to return the adress of the smallest array element
    const int *min = start;

    if ( start != end )
        while ( ++start != end )
            if ( *start < *min ) min = start;
    return ( int * )min;

void selection_sort( int *start, int  *end )  ///funtion to sort the array in ascending order
    for ( ; start != end; ++start )
        int *min = findMin( start, end );

        if ( min != start )
            int tmp = *start;
            *start = *min;
            *min = tmp;

int main(void) 
    int arr[] = { 5, 11, 3, 12, 17, 25, 1, 9, 14, 2 };
    const size_t N = sizeof( arr ) / sizeof( *arr );
    for ( const int *p = arr; p != arr + N; ++p )
        printf( "%d ", *p );

    putchar( '\n' );
    selection_sort( arr, arr + N );
    for ( const int *p = arr; p != arr + N; ++p )
        printf( "%d ", *p );

    putchar( '\n' );

    return 0;


5 11 3 12 17 25 1 9 14 2 
1 2 3 5 9 11 12 14 17 25 

But here in my sort algorithm, since the last element has nothing more to compare itself with, is mistakenly left as it is

不,这充其量只是一种误导性的描述。您的 findMin() 没有专门将数组元素与其直接后继进行比较,因此 *end 没有后继这一事实是无关紧要的。问题(部分)只是你有一个差一错误,导致永远不会比较 *end*min。如果您更直接地依赖指针运算和比较,那么这个错误将更难犯也更容易识别:

int *findMin(int *start, int *end) {
    int *min = start;

    // The original code is equivalent to this variant:
    // for (int *x = start; x < end; x++) {
    // but this is what you need for an inclusive upper bound:
    // for (int *x = start; x <= end; x++) {

    // or, since initially min == start, this would be even better:
    for (int *x = start + 1; x <= end; x++) {
        if (*x < *min) {
            min = x;
    return min;