C++ 运算符 ->* 和 .*

C++ operator ->* and .*


我在维基百科上看到 this question, but I'm specifically interested in the "object pointed to by member ..." type operators as listed here



struct A
    int *p;

int main()
        A *a = new A();
        a->p = new int(0);
        // if this did compile, how would it be different from *a->p=5; ??
        a->*p = 5;

        A a;
        a.p = new int(0);
        // if this did compile, how would it be different from *a.p=5; ??
        a.*p = 5;

    return 0;

但这不会编译,因为 p 未声明。 (参见 example)

谁能提供一个在 C++ 中使用 operator->* and/or .* 的真实示例?

这些运算符用于指向成员对象的指针。您不会经常遇到它们。例如,它们可用于指定在 A 对象上运行的给定算法要使用的函数或成员数据。


#include <iostream>

struct A
    int i;
    int geti() {return i;}

int main()
        A a;
        int A::*ai_ptr = &A::i; //pointer to member data
        std::cout << a.*ai_ptr; //access through p-t-m

        A* a = new A{};
        int (A::*ai_func)() = &A::geti; //pointer to member function
        std::cout << (a->*ai_func)(); //access through p-t-m-f

    return 0;

->*.* 语法是 "pointer-to-member" 运算符,可用于存储指向特定对象成员的指针。


class A {
    public: int x;

int main() {
    A obj;
    int A::* memberPointer = &A::b;  //Pointer to b, which is int, which is member of A
    obj.*memberPointer = 42; //Set the value via an object

    A *objPtr = &obj;
    objPtr->*memberPointer = 21;  //Set the value via an object pointer