在 flutter bloc 中使用松散耦合的本地数据存储库
Using loosely coupled local data repositories in flutter bloc
我正在使用 flutter 构建一个应用程序,我有以下要求。
我必须为本地数据库构建存储库。我对此有很多选择(SQLITE、Hive 等)。我必须保持数据库的选择与应用程序松耦合(存储库模式)。
我必须使用 BLOC 模式进行状态管理。
我挣扎的地方是对于每种类型的数据库,实体模型(我来自 entity framework 背景,因此称它为实体模型。我不知道你怎么称呼它)是不同。
SQLLite (Moor) 的模型如下所示
class ToDosSqlLite extends Table {
IntColumn get id => integer().autoIncrement()();
TextColumn get title => text().withLength(min: 6, max: 32)();
Hive 的模型如下所示。
class ToDosHive extends HiveObject {
final int id;
final String title;
Person(this.id, this.title);
我有存储库 类 如下。
abstract class LocalToDoRepository{
List<What should be the type here?> getAll();
class SqlLiteToDoRepository extends LocalToDoRepository{
///overriding won't work here as Type is different from the base class method
List<ToDosSqlLite> getAll(){///implementation}
class HiveToDoRepository extends LocalToDoRepository{
///overriding won't work here as Type is different from the base class method
List<ToDosHive> getAll(){///implementation}
在 SqlLiteToDoRepository 中,一个 getAll()
方法 returns 一个 List<ToDosSqlLite>
和在 HiveToDoRepository 中,相同的方法 returns 一个 List<ToDosHive>
class ToDoBloc extends Bloc<ToDoEvent, ToDoState>{
final LocalToDoRepository localToDoRepository;
///localToDoRepository object is dependency injected . If I want to use SQLite, I will inject
///SqlLiteToDoRepository and so on.
ToDoBloc ({@required this.localToDoRepository}): super(ToDoInitialState());
您可能需要介绍第三个 class 名为 todo
class Todo {
final int id;
final String title;
Todo(this.id, this.title);
// implement the required conversion
然后,在所有 repos 和接口中使用这个新模型
final _mockedSql = [
ToDoSqlLite(1, 'Implement dependency inversion principle'),
ToDoSqlLite(2, 'Implement repository pattern'),
final _mockedHive = [
ToDoHive(1, 'Feed the cat'),
ToDoHive(2, 'Wash dishes'),
abstract class ToDoBase<A, B> {
abstract final A id;
abstract final B title;
class ToDoBusinessEntity {
final int id;
final String title;
ToDoBusinessEntity(this.id, this.title);
String toString() => 'ToDoBusinessEntity {id: $id, title: $title}';
class ToDoSqlLite implements ToDoBase<int, String> {
final int id;
final String title;
ToDoSqlLite(this.id, this.title);
class ToDoHive implements ToDoBase<Object, Object> {
final Object id;
final Object title;
ToDoHive(this.id, this.title);
abstract class LocalToDoRepository<T extends ToDoBase, Z>{
abstract final DataSource<T> dataSource;
List<Z> getAll();
List<Z> _sourceToEntity(List<T> sourceList);
abstract class DataSource<T> {
List<T> getAll();
class SqlDataSource implements DataSource<ToDoSqlLite> {
List<ToDoSqlLite> getAll() => _mockedSql;
class HiveDataSource implements DataSource<ToDoHive> {
List<ToDoHive> getAll() => _mockedHive;
class SqlLiteToDoRepository implements LocalToDoRepository<ToDoSqlLite, ToDoBusinessEntity>{
DataSource<ToDoSqlLite> dataSource;
List<ToDoBusinessEntity> _sourceToEntity(List<ToDoSqlLite> source) => source.map<ToDoBusinessEntity>((e) => ToDoBusinessEntity(e.id, e.title)).toList();
List<ToDoBusinessEntity> getAll() => _sourceToEntity(dataSource.getAll());
class HiveToDoRepository implements LocalToDoRepository<ToDoHive, ToDoBusinessEntity>{
DataSource<ToDoHive> dataSource;
List<ToDoBusinessEntity> getAll() => _sourceToEntity(dataSource.getAll());
List<ToDoBusinessEntity> _sourceToEntity(List<ToDoHive> source) => source.map<ToDoBusinessEntity>((e) => ToDoBusinessEntity(int.parse(e.id.toString()), e.title.toString())).toList();
class Bloc {
final LocalToDoRepository repository;
Bloc(this.repository) {
void main() {
final blocSql = Bloc(SqlLiteToDoRepository(SqlDataSource()));
final blocHive = Bloc(HiveToDoRepository(HiveDataSource()));
[ToDoBusinessEntity {id: 1, title: Implement dependency inversion principle}, ToDoBusinessEntity {id: 2, title: Implement repository pattern}]
[ToDoBusinessEntity {id: 1, title: Feed the cat}, ToDoBusinessEntity {id: 2, title: Wash dishes}]
我正在使用 flutter 构建一个应用程序,我有以下要求。
我必须为本地数据库构建存储库。我对此有很多选择(SQLITE、Hive 等)。我必须保持数据库的选择与应用程序松耦合(存储库模式)。
我必须使用 BLOC 模式进行状态管理。
我挣扎的地方是对于每种类型的数据库,实体模型(我来自 entity framework 背景,因此称它为实体模型。我不知道你怎么称呼它)是不同。
SQLLite (Moor) 的模型如下所示
class ToDosSqlLite extends Table {
IntColumn get id => integer().autoIncrement()();
TextColumn get title => text().withLength(min: 6, max: 32)();
Hive 的模型如下所示。
class ToDosHive extends HiveObject {
final int id;
final String title;
Person(this.id, this.title);
我有存储库 类 如下。
abstract class LocalToDoRepository{
List<What should be the type here?> getAll();
class SqlLiteToDoRepository extends LocalToDoRepository{
///overriding won't work here as Type is different from the base class method
List<ToDosSqlLite> getAll(){///implementation}
class HiveToDoRepository extends LocalToDoRepository{
///overriding won't work here as Type is different from the base class method
List<ToDosHive> getAll(){///implementation}
在 SqlLiteToDoRepository 中,一个 getAll()
方法 returns 一个 List<ToDosSqlLite>
和在 HiveToDoRepository 中,相同的方法 returns 一个 List<ToDosHive>
class ToDoBloc extends Bloc<ToDoEvent, ToDoState>{
final LocalToDoRepository localToDoRepository;
///localToDoRepository object is dependency injected . If I want to use SQLite, I will inject
///SqlLiteToDoRepository and so on.
ToDoBloc ({@required this.localToDoRepository}): super(ToDoInitialState());
您可能需要介绍第三个 class 名为 todo
class Todo {
final int id;
final String title;
Todo(this.id, this.title);
// implement the required conversion
然后,在所有 repos 和接口中使用这个新模型
final _mockedSql = [
ToDoSqlLite(1, 'Implement dependency inversion principle'),
ToDoSqlLite(2, 'Implement repository pattern'),
final _mockedHive = [
ToDoHive(1, 'Feed the cat'),
ToDoHive(2, 'Wash dishes'),
abstract class ToDoBase<A, B> {
abstract final A id;
abstract final B title;
class ToDoBusinessEntity {
final int id;
final String title;
ToDoBusinessEntity(this.id, this.title);
String toString() => 'ToDoBusinessEntity {id: $id, title: $title}';
class ToDoSqlLite implements ToDoBase<int, String> {
final int id;
final String title;
ToDoSqlLite(this.id, this.title);
class ToDoHive implements ToDoBase<Object, Object> {
final Object id;
final Object title;
ToDoHive(this.id, this.title);
abstract class LocalToDoRepository<T extends ToDoBase, Z>{
abstract final DataSource<T> dataSource;
List<Z> getAll();
List<Z> _sourceToEntity(List<T> sourceList);
abstract class DataSource<T> {
List<T> getAll();
class SqlDataSource implements DataSource<ToDoSqlLite> {
List<ToDoSqlLite> getAll() => _mockedSql;
class HiveDataSource implements DataSource<ToDoHive> {
List<ToDoHive> getAll() => _mockedHive;
class SqlLiteToDoRepository implements LocalToDoRepository<ToDoSqlLite, ToDoBusinessEntity>{
DataSource<ToDoSqlLite> dataSource;
List<ToDoBusinessEntity> _sourceToEntity(List<ToDoSqlLite> source) => source.map<ToDoBusinessEntity>((e) => ToDoBusinessEntity(e.id, e.title)).toList();
List<ToDoBusinessEntity> getAll() => _sourceToEntity(dataSource.getAll());
class HiveToDoRepository implements LocalToDoRepository<ToDoHive, ToDoBusinessEntity>{
DataSource<ToDoHive> dataSource;
List<ToDoBusinessEntity> getAll() => _sourceToEntity(dataSource.getAll());
List<ToDoBusinessEntity> _sourceToEntity(List<ToDoHive> source) => source.map<ToDoBusinessEntity>((e) => ToDoBusinessEntity(int.parse(e.id.toString()), e.title.toString())).toList();
class Bloc {
final LocalToDoRepository repository;
Bloc(this.repository) {
void main() {
final blocSql = Bloc(SqlLiteToDoRepository(SqlDataSource()));
final blocHive = Bloc(HiveToDoRepository(HiveDataSource()));
[ToDoBusinessEntity {id: 1, title: Implement dependency inversion principle}, ToDoBusinessEntity {id: 2, title: Implement repository pattern}]
[ToDoBusinessEntity {id: 1, title: Feed the cat}, ToDoBusinessEntity {id: 2, title: Wash dishes}]