如何使用 Docker 部署 OpenL 平板电脑?

How to deply OpenL Tablets with Docker?

我想部署OpenL Tablets with Docker. I used the official Docker image for OpenL Tablets WS

部署 OpenL 平板电脑

我按照记录启动了 Docker 容器:

To use file system repo

To run OpenL Tablets Rule Services with filesystem datasource you can mount your local folder to the container:

$ docker run -d --rm -p 9080:8080 -v <path_to_datasource>:/root/.openl/openl-ruleservice/datasource openltablets/ws
  • -e ruleservice.datasource.filesystem.supportDeployments=true - enables support for deployments


为了测试,我先复制了解压缩的 tutorial into the mounted directory, see Chapter 4: Deploy OpenL Tablets Web Services

c. Put your rule project to the appropriate datasource folder. Every rule project should be represented as a separate folder. As an example you can use OpenL Tablets Tutorial that you can download from the OpenL Tablets web site.




我在非Docker安装指南中找到了答案,参见OpenL Tablets BRMS 安装指南

4.2 Configuring OpenL Tablets Rule Services for a Local File System Data Source

Using a file system as a data source for user projects means that projects are stored in a local folder. This folder represents single deployment containing all projects. Each project must also be represented as a separate folder. This is the default data source configured in the system.

To deploy OpenL Tablets Rule Services, configure a local file system as a data source as follows:

  1. Navigate to the <TOMCAT_HOME>\webapps folder and extract the OpenL Tablets Rule Services WAR file. For example, right click the OpenL Tablets Rule Services WAR file name and select 7-zip > Open archive. For more information on downloading OpenL Tablets Rule Services as a WAR file, see Downloading Preconfigured OpenL Tablets Rule Services.

  2. Navigate to the WEB-INF\classes folder, open the application.properties file, and for the ruleservice.datasource.dir setting, define the address to the folder with projects.

    For example:
    ruleservice.datasource.dir = d:/datasource/

    Note that for proper parsing of Java properties file, the path to the folder must be defined with a slash (‘/’) as the folders delimiter. Back slash “\” is not allowed.

  3. Check if the property is defined as production-repository.factory = org.openl.rules.repository.LocalRepositoryFactory.


  • production-repository.factory
  • ruleservice.datasource.dir


docker run  \
  --detach  \
  --publish 9080:8080 \
  --mount type=bind,source=/home/ubuntu/openl/datasource,target=/root/datasource,readonly \
  --env production-repository.factory=org.openl.rules.repository.LocalRepositoryFactory \
  --env ruleservice.datasource.dir=/root/datasource \