在 javascript 中进行随机测验

Making a random quiz in javascript

所以我正在尝试制作一个 quiz.html 文件,它会提示用户输入编号。他们想回答的问题。根据他们的输入,将生成随机问题。所以我知道它必须是一个循环,一直循环到 no。在警告框中输入。
所以我的 scoreMe() 函数显然没有给出任何答案。我正在尝试检查某个特定问题的选中单选按钮是否等于正确答案,但我的分数仅为 0%。那么谁能告诉我我的代码有什么问题吗?

        <div id="quesRes"></div>

    var quizObj = [
        "question": "What is the capital of Bangladesh?",
        "choice": ["Dhaka", "Chittagong", "Sylhet"],
        "correct": ["Dhaka"]
        "question": "What does 2+2 equal to?",
        "choice": ["3", "2", "4"],  //quizObj[2].choice[0],quizObj[2].choice[1]
        "correct": ["4"]
        "question": "What is the real name of Damon Salvatore?",
        "choice": ["Paul Wesley", "Steven McQueen", "Ian Somerhalder"],  //quizObj[2].choice[0],quizObj[2].choice[1]
        "correct": ["Ian Somerhalder"]
        "question": "What is the name of the largest planet in the universe?",
        "choice": ["Earth", "Jupiter", "Uranus"],  //quizObj[2].choice[0],quizObj[2].choice[1]
        "correct": ["Jupiter"]
        "question": "What is the capital of New York?",
        "choice": ["Manhattan", "NYC", "Albany"],  //quizObj[2].choice[0],quizObj[2].choice[1]
        "correct": ["Albany"]
        "question": "How many bones does the human body have?",
        "choice": ["109", "206", "114"],  //quizObj[2].choice[0],quizObj[2].choice[1]
        "correct": ["206"]
        "question": "What is the alter ego of Batman?",
        "choice": ["Bruce Banner", "Bruce Wayne", "Tony Stark"],  //quizObj[2].choice[0],quizObj[2].choice[1]
        "correct": ["Bruce Wayne"]
        "question": "How many books are there in the Harry Potter series?",
        "choice": ["7", "5", "8"],  //quizObj[2].choice[0],quizObj[2].choice[1]
        "correct": ["7"]
        "question": "What is Naruto's surname?",
        "choice": ["Sarutobi", "Uchiha", "Uzumaki"],  //quizObj[2].choice[0],quizObj[2].choice[1]
        "correct": ["Uzumaki"]
        "question": "What is the name of Sherlock Holmes' partner?",
        "choice": ["Peterson", "Watson", "Hanson"],  //quizObj[2].choice[0],quizObj[2].choice[1]
        "correct": ["Watson"]


  var track = [];

    var maxQues = prompt("How many questions do you want to answer?", "5");
    var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxQues);

    var str='<h4>Answer all the questions</h4>';

    for(var i=0;i<maxQues;i++){

        var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxQues);
        str+=(i+1)+'.  '+quizObj[rand].question+'<br>';
            '<tr><td id="a1"><input type="radio" name="radio' + i + '"/>'+'&nbsp;&nbsp;'+quizObj[rand].choice[0]+'</td></tr>'+
            '<tr><td id="a2"><input type="radio" name="radio' + i + '" />'+'&nbsp;&nbsp;'+quizObj[rand].choice[1]+'</td></tr>'+
            '<tr><td id="a3"><input type="radio" name="radio' + i + '"/>'+'&nbsp;&nbsp;'+quizObj[rand].choice[2]+'</td></tr>'+
    str += '<input value="Submit" type="button" onclick="scoreMe()"><br><br>';
    str += 'Score: <input id="score" type="text" size="8" ><br><br><br>';
    document.getElementById('quesRes').innerHTML = str;

  function scoreMe(){
    var sum=0;
    for(var j=0;j<maxQues;j++){
      for(var k=0;k<3;k++){
    document.getElementById('score').value = ((sum/maxQues)*100)+'%';

您所有的单选按钮都具有相同的名称,因此属于同一组。 给他们不同的名字,你应该没问题:

            '<tr><td id="a1"><input type="radio" name="radio' + i + '" />'+'&nbsp;&nbsp;'+quizObj[rand].choice[0]+'</td></tr>'+
            '<tr><td id="a2"><input type="radio" name="radio' + i + '" />'+'&nbsp;&nbsp;'+quizObj[rand].choice[1]+'</td></tr>'+
            '<tr><td id="a3"><input type="radio" name="radio' + i + '"/>'+'&nbsp;&nbsp;'+quizObj[rand].choice[2]+'</td></tr>'+

Quoting MDN on the subject:

Radio buttons that have the same value for the name attribute are in the same "radio button group"; only one radio button in a group can be selected at one time.


'<tr><td id="a1"><input type="radio" name="radio" />'+'&nbsp;&nbsp;'+quizObj[rand].choice[0]+'</td></tr>'


'<tr><td id="a1"><input type="radio" name="radio' + i + '" />'+'&nbsp;&nbsp;'+quizObj[rand].choice[0]+'</td></tr>'
//                                            There ^

这样,输入的 "names"(用于 "group" 它们)中包含问题的 ID。

与其使用 "string " 作为问题的答案,不如添加索引号.. 它会解决问题

var quizObj = [
    "question": "What is the capital of Bangladesh?",
    "choice": ["Dhaka", "Chittagong", "Sylhet"],
    "correct": 0