从 pheatmap 中的 cutree_rows 组中拉出 genes/observations

Pull out genes/observations from cutree_rows groups in pheatmap

如何从 pheatmap 中的 cutree_rows = 3 生成的行组中提取 genes/observations?会是 obj$tree_row$...?

obj <- pheatmap(mat, annotation_col = anno, fontsize_row = 10, show_colnames = F, show_rownames = F, cutree_cols = 3, cluster_cols = FALSE, color = col, scale = 'row',cutree_rows = 3)

我看到如果你通过 运行 obj$kmeans$cluster 应用 k 意味着你可以找到基因列表,就像这里 is there a way to preserve the clustering in a heatmap but reduce the number of observations?


mat = matrix(rnorm(200),20,10)
rownames(mat) = paste0("g",1:20)
obj = pheatmap(mat,cluster_cols = FALSE, scale = 'row',cutree_rows = 3)

做 cutree :

cl = cutree(obj$tree_row,3)

ann = data.frame(cl)
rownames(ann) = rownames(mat)

g1   1
g2   2
g3   1
g4   2
g5   3
g6   1
g7   2
g8   1
g9   1
g10  2
g11  3
g12  2
g13  2
g14  1
g15  2
g16  2
g17  1
g18  3
g19  3
g20  2


pheatmap(mat,cluster_cols = FALSE, scale = 'row',cutree_rows = 3,annotation_row=ann)