如何修复在 Safari 中不起作用的 SVG 动画

How to fix SVG animate which does not work in Safari

不迟于昨天,我成功制作了一个动画 SVG,它在 Chrome 中完美运行。我今天尝试在 Safari 中打开它,但动画不工作。有针对这个的解决方法吗?我试图做一些研究,但大多数研究显示 CSS3 和 d:path CSS 方法也不起作用,实际上更糟,因为什么都没有显示。


<svg width="1279" height="650" viewBox="0 0 1279 650" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
    <path d="M-138 -167.889C-138 -167.889 2002 -494.389 1020.73 -167.889C39.4558 158.611 1111.22 305.526 942.746 516.955C681.205 845.177 -138 458.649 -138 458.649V -167.889Z" 
    <!-- First shape and last shape in values are the same -->
                M-138 -167.889C-138 -167.889 1986.46 -591.778 1020.73 -167.889C55 256 1148.99 306.909 942.746 516.954C736.5 727 -138 458.649 -138 458.649V-167.889Z;

                M-138 -167.889C-138 -167.889 1923.96 -760.278 1020.73 -167.889C117.5 424.5 1248.99 269.909 942.746 516.954C636.5 764 -138 458.649 -138 458.649V-167.889Z;

                M-138 -167.889C-138 -167.889 1989.46 -765.777 1020.73 -167.889C52 430 1302.99 226.348 942.746 516.955C582.5 807.561 -138 458.649 -138 458.649V-167.889Z;

                M-138 -167.889C-138 -167.889 1986.46 -591.778 1020.73 -167.889C55 256 1148.99 306.909 942.746 516.954C736.5 727 -138 458.649 -138 458.649V-167.889Z;

I have tried to do some research but most of them show CSS3 and the d:path CSS method does not work either and is actually worse because nothing shows up.

请看browser supportd: path个动画。
不幸的是,这在指定的浏览器中不起作用,包括 Safari。 让我们希望在不久的将来看到更好的支持。

此答案不会解决您使用 CSS3 路径动画的问题,因为这是不可能的,但它可以使在所有现代浏览器(包括 Safari)中工作的 SVG 动画更容易。

Specifying path data: the d property:

For animation, two d property values can only be interpolated smoothly when the path data strings contain have the same structure, (i.e. exactly the same number and types of path data commands which are in the same order). If an animation is specified and the lists of path data commands do not have the same structure, then the values must be interpolated using the discrete animation type.


第 1 步


第 2 步


第 3 步


<animate attributeName="d" values="path1;path2;path1" />,其中

path1 - 起点处的曲线形状

path2 - 完成曲线形状

as @Kaiido在评论中说尽量不要在分号前留出多余的空格

svg {
path {
<svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="770" height="770" viewBox="0 0 770 770" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" >

<path d="M8.1 1.2V721.6c0 0 73.2 20.7 105 16.1 39.9-5.6 63.5-61.7 105-66.9 35-4.4 74.9 1 105-13.8 41.9-20.7 60.2-90.1 92.3-108.4 30.9-17.7 74.9-13.9 101.5-33.5 63.3-46.3 5.3-81.5 76.1-145.3 0 0 47.9-24.3 61.1-46.1 19.6-32.3 18.5-61.6 18.5-111.9 0-21.7 15.2-38.8 32.3-56.5C730.2 121.6 752.7 68.8 719.8 2.9 516.8-0.6 218-0.6 8.1 1.2Z" >
<animate attributeName="d"
         M8.1 1.2V721.6c0 0 73.2 20.7 105 16.1 39.9-5.6 63.5-61.7 105-66.9 35-4.4 74.9 1 105-13.8 41.9-20.7 60.2-90.1 92.3-108.4 30.9-17.7 74.9-13.9 101.5-33.5 63.3-46.3 5.3-81.5 76.1-145.3 0 0 47.9-24.3 61.1-46.1 19.6-32.3 18.5-61.6 18.5-111.9 0-21.7 15.2-38.8 32.3-56.5C730.2 121.6 752.7 68.8 719.8 2.9 516.8-0.6 218-0.6 8.1 1.2Z;
         M8.1 1.2V721.6c0 0 76.8 2.3 110.7-24.2 67.7-52.9 94.4-1.3 137.3-18.5 40.1-16.1 39.1-57.3 105-76.1 93.8-26.8 81.5-74.9 124.6-109.6 22.3-17.9 50.6-23.4 69.2-50.8 41.5-61.1 14.5-80.4 66.9-115.4 0 0 28.1-21.9 36.9-36.9 16.5-28.3 27.7-30.3 26.5-94.6-0.4-21.7 2.5-76.9 19.6-94.6C730.2 67.3 752.7 68.8 719.8 2.9 516.8-0.6 218-0.6 8.1 1.2Z;
         M8.1 1.2V721.6c0 0 73.2 20.7 105 16.1 39.9-5.6 63.5-61.7 105-66.9 35-4.4 74.9 1 105-13.8 41.9-20.7 60.2-90.1 92.3-108.4 30.9-17.7 74.9-13.9 101.5-33.5 63.3-46.3 5.3-81.5 76.1-145.3 0 0 47.9-24.3 61.1-46.1 19.6-32.3 18.5-61.6 18.5-111.9 0-21.7 15.2-38.8 32.3-56.5C730.2 121.6 752.7 68.8 719.8 2.9 516.8-0.6 218-0.6 8.1 1.2Z"


  • 带有背景图像和阴影的选项

.container {


path {
-webkit-filter: drop-shadow(4px 4px 1px black);
    filter: drop-shadow(4px 4px 1px black);
<div class="container">
<svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"  viewBox="0 0 770 770" preserveAspectRatio="none" >
<image  xlink:href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/ABxSm.jpg" x="10" width="1125px" height="750px" >
<path   d="M8.1 1.2V721.6c0 0 73.2 20.7 105 16.1 39.9-5.6 63.5-61.7 105-66.9 35-4.4 74.9 1 105-13.8 41.9-20.7 60.2-90.1 92.3-108.4 30.9-17.7 74.9-13.9 101.5-33.5 63.3-46.3 5.3-81.5 76.1-145.3 0 0 47.9-24.3 61.1-46.1 19.6-32.3 18.5-61.6 18.5-111.9 0-21.7 15.2-38.8 32.3-56.5C730.2 121.6 752.7 68.8 719.8 2.9 516.8-0.6 218-0.6 8.1 1.2Z" >
<animate id="an_d" attributeName="d"
         M8.1 1.2V721.6c0 0 73.2 20.7 105 16.1 39.9-5.6 63.5-61.7 105-66.9 35-4.4 74.9 1 105-13.8 41.9-20.7 60.2-90.1 92.3-108.4 30.9-17.7 74.9-13.9 101.5-33.5 63.3-46.3 5.3-81.5 76.1-145.3 0 0 47.9-24.3 61.1-46.1 19.6-32.3 18.5-61.6 18.5-111.9 0-21.7 15.2-38.8 32.3-56.5C730.2 121.6 752.7 68.8 719.8 2.9 516.8-0.6 218-0.6 8.1 1.2Z;
         M8.1 1.2V721.6c0 0 76.8 2.3 110.7-24.2 67.7-52.9 94.4-1.3 137.3-18.5 40.1-16.1 39.1-57.3 105-76.1 93.8-26.8 81.5-74.9 124.6-109.6 22.3-17.9 50.6-23.4 69.2-50.8 41.5-61.1 14.5-80.4 66.9-115.4 0 0 28.1-21.9 36.9-36.9 16.5-28.3 27.7-30.3 26.5-94.6-0.4-21.7 2.5-76.9 19.6-94.6C730.2 67.3 752.7 68.8 719.8 2.9 516.8-0.6 218-0.6 8.1 1.2Z;
         M8.1 1.2V721.6c0 0 73.2 20.7 105 16.1 39.9-5.6 63.5-61.7 105-66.9 35-4.4 74.9 1 105-13.8 41.9-20.7 60.2-90.1 92.3-108.4 30.9-17.7 74.9-13.9 101.5-33.5 63.3-46.3 5.3-81.5 76.1-145.3 0 0 47.9-24.3 61.1-46.1 19.6-32.3 18.5-61.6 18.5-111.9 0-21.7 15.2-38.8 32.3-56.5C730.2 121.6 752.7 68.8 719.8 2.9 516.8-0.6 218-0.6 8.1 1.2Z"


  • 边框动画加整块大小动画

.container {


path {

<div class="container">
<svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"  viewBox="0 0 770 770" preserveAspectRatio="none" >
<filter id='shadow'>
    <feGaussianBlur in='SourceAlpha' stdDeviation='2' />
    <feOffset dx='3' dy='3' result='blur' />
      <feMergeNode in='blur' />
      <feMergeNode in='SourceGraphic' />
<image  xlink:href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/ABxSm.jpg" x="10" width="1125px" height="750px" >
<path filter="url(#shadow)"  d="M8.1 1.2V721.6c0 0 73.2 20.7 105 16.1 39.9-5.6 63.5-61.7 105-66.9 35-4.4 74.9 1 105-13.8 41.9-20.7 60.2-90.1 92.3-108.4 30.9-17.7 74.9-13.9 101.5-33.5 63.3-46.3 5.3-81.5 76.1-145.3 0 0 47.9-24.3 61.1-46.1 19.6-32.3 18.5-61.6 18.5-111.9 0-21.7 15.2-38.8 32.3-56.5C730.2 121.6 752.7 68.8 719.8 2.9 516.8-0.6 218-0.6 8.1 1.2Z" >
<animate id="an_d" attributeName="d"
         M8.1 1.2V721.6c0 0 73.2 20.7 105 16.1 39.9-5.6 63.5-61.7 105-66.9 35-4.4 74.9 1 105-13.8 41.9-20.7 60.2-90.1 92.3-108.4 30.9-17.7 74.9-13.9 101.5-33.5 63.3-46.3 5.3-81.5 76.1-145.3 0 0 47.9-24.3 61.1-46.1 19.6-32.3 18.5-61.6 18.5-111.9 0-21.7 15.2-38.8 32.3-56.5C730.2 121.6 752.7 68.8 719.8 2.9 516.8-0.6 218-0.6 8.1 1.2Z;
         M8.1 1.2V721.6c0 0 76.8 2.3 110.7-24.2 67.7-52.9 94.4-1.3 137.3-18.5 40.1-16.1 39.1-57.3 105-76.1 93.8-26.8 81.5-74.9 124.6-109.6 22.3-17.9 50.6-23.4 69.2-50.8 41.5-61.1 14.5-80.4 66.9-115.4 0 0 28.1-21.9 36.9-36.9 16.5-28.3 27.7-30.3 26.5-94.6-0.4-21.7 2.5-76.9 19.6-94.6C730.2 67.3 752.7 68.8 719.8 2.9 516.8-0.6 218-0.6 8.1 1.2Z;
         M8.1 1.2V721.6c0 0 73.2 20.7 105 16.1 39.9-5.6 63.5-61.7 105-66.9 35-4.4 74.9 1 105-13.8 41.9-20.7 60.2-90.1 92.3-108.4 30.9-17.7 74.9-13.9 101.5-33.5 63.3-46.3 5.3-81.5 76.1-145.3 0 0 47.9-24.3 61.1-46.1 19.6-32.3 18.5-61.6 18.5-111.9 0-21.7 15.2-38.8 32.3-56.5C730.2 121.6 752.7 68.8 719.8 2.9 516.8-0.6 218-0.6 8.1 1.2Z"
        <animateTransform id="an_t" attributeName="transform" type="scale" dur="12s" begin="an_d.end" values="1;0.5;0.5;1" /> 
