How to increase performance when randomly selecting clusters and adding observations?
在聚类数据集中,我想随机选择一些聚类,然后向所选聚类添加一些模拟观察。然后我想创建一个数据集,将来自所选集群的模拟和原始观察结果与来自未选择集群的所有原始观察结果相结合。我还想多次重复这个过程,从而创建许多(可能 1000 个)新数据集。我设法使用 for
## simulate some data
y <- rnorm(20)
x <- rnorm(20)
z <- rep(1:5, 4)
w <- rep(1:4, each=5)
dd <- data.frame(id=z, cluster=w, x=x, y=y)
# id cluster x y
# 1 1 1 0.30003855 0.65325768
# 2 2 1 -1.00563626 -0.12270866
# 3 3 1 0.01925927 -0.41367651
# 4 4 1 -1.07742065 -2.64314895
# 5 5 1 0.71270333 -0.09294102
# 6 1 2 1.08477509 0.43028470
# 7 2 2 -2.22498770 0.53539884
# 8 3 2 1.23569346 -0.55527835
# 9 4 2 -1.24104450 1.77950291
# 10 5 2 0.45476927 0.28642442
# 11 1 3 0.65990264 0.12631586
# 12 2 3 -0.19988983 1.27226678
# 13 3 3 -0.64511396 -0.71846622
# 14 4 3 0.16532102 -0.45033862
# 15 5 3 0.43881870 2.39745248
# 16 1 4 0.88330282 0.01112919
# 17 2 4 -2.05233698 1.63356842
# 18 3 4 -1.63637927 -1.43850664
# 19 4 4 1.43040234 -0.19051680
# 20 5 4 1.04662885 0.37842390
cl <- split(dd, dd$cluster) ## split the data based on clusters
k <- length(dd$id)
l <- length(cl)
`%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`) ## define "not in" to exclude unselected clusters so
## as to retain their original observations
然后创建以下代码中的 clsamp
函数,其中包括两个 for
循环。第一个 for
循环是排除未选择的集群,第二个 for
clsamp <- function(cl, k) {
a <- sample(cl, size=0.1*k, replace=FALSE)
jud <- (names(cl) %notin% names(a))
need <- names(cl)[jud]
T3 <- NULL
for (k in need) {
T3 <- rbind(T3, cl[[k]])
subt <- NULL
s <- a
for (j in 1:2) {
y <- rnorm(2)
x <- rnorm(2)
d <- cbind(id=nrow(a[[j]]) + c(1:length(x)),
cluster=unique(a[[j]]$cluster), x, y)
s[[j]] <- rbind(a[[j]], d)
subt <- rbind(subt, s[[j]])
T <- rbind(T3, subt)
最后,这会创建一个包含 5 个数据集的列表,每个数据集都结合了来自所选集群的模拟和原始观察结果以及来自未选择集群的所有原始观察结果
Q <- vector(mode="list", length=5)
for (i in 1:length(Q)) {
Q[[i]] <- clsamp(cl, 20)
有人知道更短的方法吗?也许使用 replicate
这会生成一个 sizeX2 的随机值矩阵和 cbind
s 采样的集群名称和连续的 id。它直接以 dd
开头,当您将 dd
转换为矩阵 mm
时也可以使用,这可能会稍微快一些。不过,输出是一个数据框。我使用 f
代替您的 k
clsamp2 <- function(m, f=.1) {
size <- round(nrow(m)*f)
if (size == 0) as.data.frame(m)
else {
ids <- unique(m[,1])
cls <- unique(m[,2])
rd <- matrix(rnorm(size * 4), ncol=2, dimnames=list(NULL, c("x", "y")))
out <- rbind.data.frame(m, cbind(id=rep(max(ids) + 1:size, each=2),
cluster=sample(cls, 2), rd))
`rownames<-`(out[order(out$cluster, out$id), ], NULL)
set.seed(42) ## same seed also used for creating `dd`
clsamp2(dd, .1)
## or
mm <- as.matrix(dd)
clsamp2(mm, .1)
# id cluster x y
# 1 1 1 -0.30663859 1.37095845
# 2 2 1 -1.78130843 -0.56469817
# 3 3 1 -0.17191736 0.36312841
# 4 4 1 1.21467470 0.63286260
# 5 5 1 1.89519346 0.40426832
# 6 1 2 -0.43046913 -0.10612452
# 7 2 2 -0.25726938 1.51152200
# 8 3 2 -1.76316309 -0.09465904
# 9 4 2 0.46009735 2.01842371
# 10 5 2 -0.63999488 -0.06271410
# 11 6 2 1.37095845 0.40426832
# 12 7 2 0.36312841 1.51152200
# 13 1 3 0.45545012 1.30486965
# 14 2 3 0.70483734 2.28664539
# 15 3 3 1.03510352 -1.38886070
# 16 4 3 -0.60892638 -0.27878877
# 17 5 3 0.50495512 -0.13332134
# 18 1 4 -1.71700868 0.63595040
# 19 2 4 -0.78445901 -0.28425292
# 20 3 4 -0.85090759 -2.65645542
# 21 4 4 -2.41420765 -2.44046693
# 22 5 4 0.03612261 1.32011335
# 23 6 4 -0.56469817 -0.10612452
# 24 7 4 0.63286260 -0.09465904
要创建包含五个样本的列表,您可以使用 replicate
replicate(5, clsamp2(dd, .1), simplify=FALSE)
system.time(replicate(1000, clsamp2(dd, .1), simplify=FALSE))
# user system elapsed
# 0.44 0.03 0.44
在聚类数据集中,我想随机选择一些聚类,然后向所选聚类添加一些模拟观察。然后我想创建一个数据集,将来自所选集群的模拟和原始观察结果与来自未选择集群的所有原始观察结果相结合。我还想多次重复这个过程,从而创建许多(可能 1000 个)新数据集。我设法使用 for
## simulate some data
y <- rnorm(20)
x <- rnorm(20)
z <- rep(1:5, 4)
w <- rep(1:4, each=5)
dd <- data.frame(id=z, cluster=w, x=x, y=y)
# id cluster x y
# 1 1 1 0.30003855 0.65325768
# 2 2 1 -1.00563626 -0.12270866
# 3 3 1 0.01925927 -0.41367651
# 4 4 1 -1.07742065 -2.64314895
# 5 5 1 0.71270333 -0.09294102
# 6 1 2 1.08477509 0.43028470
# 7 2 2 -2.22498770 0.53539884
# 8 3 2 1.23569346 -0.55527835
# 9 4 2 -1.24104450 1.77950291
# 10 5 2 0.45476927 0.28642442
# 11 1 3 0.65990264 0.12631586
# 12 2 3 -0.19988983 1.27226678
# 13 3 3 -0.64511396 -0.71846622
# 14 4 3 0.16532102 -0.45033862
# 15 5 3 0.43881870 2.39745248
# 16 1 4 0.88330282 0.01112919
# 17 2 4 -2.05233698 1.63356842
# 18 3 4 -1.63637927 -1.43850664
# 19 4 4 1.43040234 -0.19051680
# 20 5 4 1.04662885 0.37842390
cl <- split(dd, dd$cluster) ## split the data based on clusters
k <- length(dd$id)
l <- length(cl)
`%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`) ## define "not in" to exclude unselected clusters so
## as to retain their original observations
然后创建以下代码中的 clsamp
函数,其中包括两个 for
循环。第一个 for
循环是排除未选择的集群,第二个 for
clsamp <- function(cl, k) {
a <- sample(cl, size=0.1*k, replace=FALSE)
jud <- (names(cl) %notin% names(a))
need <- names(cl)[jud]
T3 <- NULL
for (k in need) {
T3 <- rbind(T3, cl[[k]])
subt <- NULL
s <- a
for (j in 1:2) {
y <- rnorm(2)
x <- rnorm(2)
d <- cbind(id=nrow(a[[j]]) + c(1:length(x)),
cluster=unique(a[[j]]$cluster), x, y)
s[[j]] <- rbind(a[[j]], d)
subt <- rbind(subt, s[[j]])
T <- rbind(T3, subt)
最后,这会创建一个包含 5 个数据集的列表,每个数据集都结合了来自所选集群的模拟和原始观察结果以及来自未选择集群的所有原始观察结果
Q <- vector(mode="list", length=5)
for (i in 1:length(Q)) {
Q[[i]] <- clsamp(cl, 20)
有人知道更短的方法吗?也许使用 replicate
这会生成一个 sizeX2 的随机值矩阵和 cbind
s 采样的集群名称和连续的 id。它直接以 dd
开头,当您将 dd
转换为矩阵 mm
时也可以使用,这可能会稍微快一些。不过,输出是一个数据框。我使用 f
代替您的 k
clsamp2 <- function(m, f=.1) {
size <- round(nrow(m)*f)
if (size == 0) as.data.frame(m)
else {
ids <- unique(m[,1])
cls <- unique(m[,2])
rd <- matrix(rnorm(size * 4), ncol=2, dimnames=list(NULL, c("x", "y")))
out <- rbind.data.frame(m, cbind(id=rep(max(ids) + 1:size, each=2),
cluster=sample(cls, 2), rd))
`rownames<-`(out[order(out$cluster, out$id), ], NULL)
set.seed(42) ## same seed also used for creating `dd`
clsamp2(dd, .1)
## or
mm <- as.matrix(dd)
clsamp2(mm, .1)
# id cluster x y
# 1 1 1 -0.30663859 1.37095845
# 2 2 1 -1.78130843 -0.56469817
# 3 3 1 -0.17191736 0.36312841
# 4 4 1 1.21467470 0.63286260
# 5 5 1 1.89519346 0.40426832
# 6 1 2 -0.43046913 -0.10612452
# 7 2 2 -0.25726938 1.51152200
# 8 3 2 -1.76316309 -0.09465904
# 9 4 2 0.46009735 2.01842371
# 10 5 2 -0.63999488 -0.06271410
# 11 6 2 1.37095845 0.40426832
# 12 7 2 0.36312841 1.51152200
# 13 1 3 0.45545012 1.30486965
# 14 2 3 0.70483734 2.28664539
# 15 3 3 1.03510352 -1.38886070
# 16 4 3 -0.60892638 -0.27878877
# 17 5 3 0.50495512 -0.13332134
# 18 1 4 -1.71700868 0.63595040
# 19 2 4 -0.78445901 -0.28425292
# 20 3 4 -0.85090759 -2.65645542
# 21 4 4 -2.41420765 -2.44046693
# 22 5 4 0.03612261 1.32011335
# 23 6 4 -0.56469817 -0.10612452
# 24 7 4 0.63286260 -0.09465904
要创建包含五个样本的列表,您可以使用 replicate
replicate(5, clsamp2(dd, .1), simplify=FALSE)
system.time(replicate(1000, clsamp2(dd, .1), simplify=FALSE))
# user system elapsed
# 0.44 0.03 0.44