
How to validate multiple entities against themselves as well as against existing rows in the database?

我有一个应用程序需要验证营业时间以确保它们在 CakePHP 3 中不重叠。所有记录都可以在一个表单中更改。数据看起来有点像这样:

id day opening_time closing_time
1 1 08:00:00 13:00:00
2 1 16:00:00 22:00:00

现在,当我将第一个 opening_time 更改为 17:00 时,这将是无效的,因为它会与第二行重叠。但是当我以相同的形式将第二个 opening_time 更改为 18:00 时,它应该是有效的。


public function buildRules(RulesChecker $rules)
    $rules->add($rules->existsIn(['store_id'], 'Stores'));

        function (BusinessHour $entity, array $options): bool {
            $conditions = [
                'id !=' => $entity->id,
                'store_id' => $entity->store_id,
                'day' => $entity->day,
                'OR' => [
                        'opening_time <=' => $entity->opening_time,
                        'closing_time >=' => $entity->opening_time,
                        'opening_time <=' => $entity->closing_time,
                        'closing_time >=' => $entity->closing_time,
                        'opening_time >=' => $entity->opening_time,
                        'opening_time <=' => $entity->closing_time,
                        'closing_time >=' => $entity->opening_time,
                        'closing_time <=' => $entity->closing_time,

            return !$options['repository']->exists($conditions);
            'errorField' => 'opening_time',
            'message' => __('Business hours may not overlap.'),

    return $rules;

但它会根据数据库中的数据检查第一条记录并标记为无效,即使第二行的更改会使它有效。例如,当数据库中的数据如上所述并且我有以下 post 数据时,它应该有效但不是。

$data['business_hours'] = [
    (int) 0 => [
        'day' => '0',
        'opening_time' => [
            'hour' => '16',
            'minute' => '30'
        'closing_time' => [
            'hour' => '17',
            'minute' => '00'
    (int) 1 => [
        'day' => '0',
        'opening_time' => [
            'hour' => '18',
            'minute' => '00'
        'closing_time' => [
            'hour' => '20',
            'minute' => '00'


从逻辑上讲,您一次只能保存一个实体,不仅在应用程序级别,而且在 DBMS 级别,所以告诉您数据无效的规则是正确的,因为它只验证一个实体一次。

我认为你要么需要某种状态来处理这个,要么你需要混合使用验证和应用程序规则,即你还需要验证无状态数据作为 stateful/persisted 数据,不仅非持久化数据集中的所有时间都需要相互有效,它们还需要与数据库中已经持久化的数据有效。

有很多空间可以讨论如何最好地解决这个问题,我想,应用程序规则中还没有允许验证多个实体的接口,所以不管你如何解决这个问题,它可能是某种 compromise/workaround 一种或另一种方式。

因为这最终是关于数据库中的数据,所以所有验证都应该在事务中发生,所以我想最好将事情保留在应用程序规则中。我能想到的一种肮脏的方法是将所有实体的 ID 传递到保存过程中,并且在您的规则中排除所有尚未检查(因此保存)的 ID yet,这样后续检查将 运行 针对之前已经保留的实体,这意味着最终您将检查所有记录的有效性。

这是一个例子 - 我不知道你的关联设置,所以我假设你正在保存 Stores 和关联的 BusinessHours,确切的设置并不重要, 不过,它应该只显示如何构建和传递自定义选项:

// ...
$store = $this->Stores->patchEntity($store, $this->request->getData());
$businessHourIds = new \ArrayObject(
        ->indexBy(function ($value) {
            return $value;
// $businessHourIds would represent an array like this, where both
// the key and the value would hold the ID: [1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, ...]
if ($this->Stores->save($sore, ['businessHourIds' => $businessHourIds])) {
    // ...
// ...

它是一个 ArrayObject 实例很重要,这样它的状态将在每个营业时间实体的多个不同 save() 调用中持续存在。然后,您的规则可以按照以下方式执行某些操作:

function (BusinessHour $entity, array $options): bool {
    if (!isset($options['businessHourIds'])) {
        return false;
    // If the entity isn't new, its ID must be present in the IDs list
    // so that it can be excluded in the exists check
    if (
        !$entity->isNew() &&
    ) {
        return false;

    // the current entries opening time must be smaller than its closing time
    if ($entity->opening_time >= $entity->closing_time) {
        return false;

    $conditions = [
        'id NOT IN' => (array)$options['businessHourIds'],
        'store_id' => $entity->store_id,
        'day' => $entity->day,
        'closing_time >' => $entity->opening_time,
        'opening_time <' => $entity->closing_time,
    // remove the current entity ID from the list, so that for the next
    // check it is not being excluded, meaning that all following business
    // hours will have to be valid according to this entity's data

    return !$options['repository']->exists($conditions);

所以这是未经测试的,理想情况下它会起作用,但它主要是为了说明我在说什么。另请注意,我减少了 open/closing 时间条件,假设关闭时间必须大于打开时间,此检查理论上应该涵盖所有可能的重叠。