如何使用 pyxll 函数在特定单元格坐标上放置多个列表
how to place multiple list on a specific cell co-ordinates using pyxll functions
大家好,我陷入了这种糟糕的境地,我必须在 excel 中的特定单元格坐标处放置多个列表,但无法在任何地方找到任何解决方案
@xl_func("string key: object", macro=True)
def calc(key) -> object:
result = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
from pyxll import xl_app, XLCell
caller = xlfCaller()
address = caller.address
xl = xl_app()
xl_range = xl.Range(address)
one_below = xl_range.GetOffset(RowOffset=1, ColumnOffset=0)
cell = XLCell.from_range(one_below)
cell.options(type="var", auto_resize=True).value = result
return "123"
@xl_func("string key: object", macro=True)
def calc(key) -> object:
result = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
from pyxll import xl_app, XLCell
caller = xlfCaller()
address = caller.address
xl = xl_app()
xl_range = xl.Range(address)
one_below = xl_range.GetOffset(RowOffset=1, ColumnOffset=0)
cell = XLCell.from_range(one_below)
#This need to go between A1:A2 to B1:B2
cell.options(type="var", auto_resize=True).value = result
#This need to go between D1:D2 to E1:E2
cell.options(type="var", auto_resize=True).value = result2
#This need to go between F1:F2 to G1:G2
cell.options(type="var", auto_resize=True).value = result3
return "123"
Python 3.8.6 32 bit
Pyxll 5.0.5 32 bit
您可以 XLCell.from_range COM 范围对象或地址作为字符串传递。
c = XLCell.from_range("A1")
c.options(auto_resize=True).value = x
此外,您可以使用 Application.Range 从地址获取 COM 范围,例如:
xl = xl_app()
r = xl.Range("A1")
r.Value = x
# or using XLCell
c = XLCell.from_range(r)
c.options(auto_resize=True).value = x
如果需要,您还可以在地址中包含工作簿和 sheet,例如“[Book1]Sheet1!A1”。
这篇常见问题解答文章应该也会有所帮助 https://support.pyxll.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360044507453-Writing-arrays-back-to-Excel
大家好,我陷入了这种糟糕的境地,我必须在 excel 中的特定单元格坐标处放置多个列表,但无法在任何地方找到任何解决方案
@xl_func("string key: object", macro=True)
def calc(key) -> object:
result = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
from pyxll import xl_app, XLCell
caller = xlfCaller()
address = caller.address
xl = xl_app()
xl_range = xl.Range(address)
one_below = xl_range.GetOffset(RowOffset=1, ColumnOffset=0)
cell = XLCell.from_range(one_below)
cell.options(type="var", auto_resize=True).value = result
return "123"
@xl_func("string key: object", macro=True)
def calc(key) -> object:
result = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
from pyxll import xl_app, XLCell
caller = xlfCaller()
address = caller.address
xl = xl_app()
xl_range = xl.Range(address)
one_below = xl_range.GetOffset(RowOffset=1, ColumnOffset=0)
cell = XLCell.from_range(one_below)
#This need to go between A1:A2 to B1:B2
cell.options(type="var", auto_resize=True).value = result
#This need to go between D1:D2 to E1:E2
cell.options(type="var", auto_resize=True).value = result2
#This need to go between F1:F2 to G1:G2
cell.options(type="var", auto_resize=True).value = result3
return "123"
Python 3.8.6 32 bit
Pyxll 5.0.5 32 bit
您可以 XLCell.from_range COM 范围对象或地址作为字符串传递。
c = XLCell.from_range("A1")
c.options(auto_resize=True).value = x
此外,您可以使用 Application.Range 从地址获取 COM 范围,例如:
xl = xl_app()
r = xl.Range("A1")
r.Value = x
# or using XLCell
c = XLCell.from_range(r)
c.options(auto_resize=True).value = x
如果需要,您还可以在地址中包含工作簿和 sheet,例如“[Book1]Sheet1!A1”。
这篇常见问题解答文章应该也会有所帮助 https://support.pyxll.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360044507453-Writing-arrays-back-to-Excel