
Can new Rancher version be used for local cluster only?

我已经在暂存环境中使用 kubernetes 工作了几个月,想切换到生产环境,大约 2 周前我遇到了一个名为 Rancher 的工具,从那时起我就在浏览他们的文档。

开发人员和社区都建议不要在生产 kubernete 中使用 rancher,最好为此创建一个单独的集群,并从该集群向主生产集群添加一个代理。



注意: 在另一个暂存环境中,我在本地集群上安装了一个 wordpress 和 ghost 实例,两者都运行良好。

我仍然认为对您来说最好的选择是拥有完全可访问的自己的集群,并且您不会依赖于 Rancher 云解决方案。我并不是说 Rancher 不好——不。只是如果你在谈论生产环境——我个人的意见集群应该是自己的。当然有争议的话题。

我也可以在这里提及 - 您可以使用 Useful Interactive Terminal and Graphical UI Tools for Kubernetes 中的任何一个。例如八分圆

Octant is a browser-based UI aimed at application developers giving them visibility into how their application is running. I also think this tool can really benefit anyone using K8s, especially if you forget the various options to kubectl to inspect your K8s Cluster and/or workloads. Octant is also a VMware Open Source project and it is supported on Windows, Mac and Linux (including ARM) and runs locally on a system that has access to a K8S Cluster. After installing Octant, just type octant and it will start listening on localhost:7777 and you just launch your web browser to access the UI.