Elm 安装总是失败并出现 "ConnectionTimeout" 错误(在 WSL 中)

Elm install always fails with "ConnectionTimeout" error (in WSL)

我是 Elm 新手。而且我英语不好。所以,如果有什么不明确或者错误的地方,请让我纠正。

------------ 编辑 ------------
我下面的所有问题都在 WSL 上。当我尝试 windows 时,一切正常。那么...为什么 elm install 在 WSL 上不起作用?你有什么想法吗?

-------- 问题 --------
当我尝试 elm-test init 时,它不像下面那样工作

$ elm-test init
Here is my plan:
    elm/random               1.0.0
    elm-explorations/test    1.2.2

Would you like me to update your elm.json accordingly? [Y/n]: 
-- PROBLEM DOWNLOADING PACKAGE -------------------------------------------------

I was trying to download the source code for elm/random 1.0.0, so I tried to


But my HTTP library is giving me the following error message:


Are you somewhere with a slow internet connection? Or no internet? Does the link
I am trying to fetch work in your browser? Maybe the site is down? Does your
internet connection have a firewall that blocks certain domains? It is usually
something like that!

但我的浏览器 (Chrome) 运行良好,甚至在 WSL(我 运行 elm-test init 命令所在的环境)中也是如此。

$ curl https://github.com/elm/random/zipball/1.0.0/
https://codeload.github.com/elm/random/legacy.zip/1.0.0<body>You are being <a href="https://codeload.github.com/elm/random/legacy.zip/1.0.0">redirected</a>.</body></html>

然后我也再次尝试重定向 URL

$ curl https://codeload.github.com/elm/random/legacy.zip
Warning: Binary output can mess up your terminal. Use "--output -" to tell 
Warning: curl to output it to your terminal anyway, or consider "--output 
Warning: <FILE>" to save to a file.


我最后只试了 elm install,这也引发了同样的错误。 Elm 似乎无法连接到 repo,即使我的电脑可以。

$ elm install elm/random
Here is my plan:
    elm/random    1.0.0

Would you like me to update your elm.json accordingly? [Y/n]: 

-- PROBLEM DOWNLOADING PACKAGE -------------------------------------------------

I was trying to download the source code for elm/random 1.0.0, so I tried to


But my HTTP library is giving me the following error message:


Are you somewhere with a slow internet connection? Or no internet? Does the link
I am trying to fetch work in your browser? Maybe the site is down? Does your
internet connection have a firewall that blocks certain domains? It is usually
something like that!


最近有理由使用WSL进行elm开发。这不是很有趣,我很高兴回到 Mac!我发现 WSL 上的某些磁盘操作似乎进行得很慢,这可能会导致各种奇怪的问题。

我使用的是 Webstorm,它不能很好地处理 WSL,所以最后我在 C: 驱动器上(而不是在 /home/... 中)做了所有事情,这样 webstorm 就可以 运行 windows 版本的 elm-format,而我的节点开发环境是 运行 在 linux 层上。

这不是您问题的准确答案,只是说可以做到,但根据我的经验,这不是编写 Elm 代码的理想方式