在 SCD2 table 中合并时间跨度的行

Merge lines over timespan in SCD2 table

我有以下 table 来自 SCD2 table。从这个来源 table,我只选择了几列,这导致几行看起来完全相似。我想删除不必要的行,那些包含相同数据的行,并让 ValidFrom 列显示第一个值,ValidTo 列显示“时间跨度组”中的最后一个值。


| Item     | Color      | ValidFrom     | ValidTo    |
| -------- | ---------- | ------------- | ---------- |
| Ball     | Red        | 2020-01-01    | 2020-03-24 |
| Ball     | Blue       | 2020-03-25    | 2020-04-12 |
| Ball     | Blue       | 2020-04-13    | 2020-05-07 |
| Ball     | Blue       | 2020-05-08    | 2020-11-14 |
| Ball     | Red        | 2020-11-15    | 9999-12-31 |
| Doll     | Yellow     | 2020-01-01    | 2020-03-24 |
| Doll     | Green      | 2020-03-25    | 2020-04-12 |
| Doll     | Green      | 2020-04-13    | 2020-05-07 |
| Doll     | Green      | 2020-05-08    | 2020-11-14 |
| Doll     | Pink       | 2020-11-15    | 9999-12-31 | 


| Item     | Color      | ValidFrom     | ValidTo    |
| -------- | ---------- | ------------- | ---------- |
| Ball     | Red        | 2020-01-01    | 2020-03-24 |
| Ball     | Blue       | 2020-03-25    | 2020-11-14 |
| Ball     | Red        | 2020-11-15    | 9999-12-31 |
| Doll     | Yellow     | 2020-01-01    | 2020-03-24 |
| Doll     | Green      | 2020-03-25    | 2020-11-14 |
| Doll     | Pink       | 2020-11-15    | 9999-12-31 | 

请注意,Item Ball 首先是红色,然后是蓝色,然后又变回红色。根据我的了解,这让事情变得有点复杂。




Select item, color,
       min(validfrom) as validfrom,
       Max(validto) as validto
(Select t.*,
       Sum(case when lged between validfrom and validto then 0 else 1 end) 
           over (partition by item, color order by validfrom) as sm
(Select t.*,
       Lag(validto) over (partition by item, color order by validfrom) as lged
  From t) t) t
Group by item, color, sm


在这里,我建议使用行号之间的差异来定义组。这只涉及一层嵌套,而不是使用 lag() 时的两层嵌套,因此它应该是最有效的选项:

select item, color, min(validfrom) as validfrom, max(validto) as validto
from (
    select t.*,
        row_number() over(order by validfrom) as rn1,
        row_number() over(partition by item, color order by validfrom) as rn2
    from mytable t
) t
group by item, color, rn1 - rn2


select item, color, min(validfrom), max(validto)
from (select t.*,
             sum(case when prev_validto >= dateadd(day, -1, validfrom)
                      then 0 else 1
                 end) over (partition by item order by validfrom) as grp
      from (select t.*,
                   lag(validto) over (partition by item, color order by validfrom) as prev_validto
            from t
            ) t
     ) t
group by item, color, grp;



您的特定数据非常受限 -- 完美平铺,一行在下一天开始前一天结束。您可以使用 left join:

select item, color, min(validfrom), max(validto)
from (select t.*,
             sum(case when tprev.color is null then 1 else 0
                 end) over (partition by t.item order by t.validfrom) as grp
      from t left join
           t tprev
           on tprev.item = t.item and
              tprev.color = t.color and
              tprev.validto = dateadd(day, -1, t.validfrom)
     ) t
group by item, color, grp
order by item, min(validfrom);

Here 是一个 db<>fiddle 说明这两种方法


select item, color, 
       min(validfrom) as ValidFrom,
       max(validto) as ValidTo
from tTable
group by item, color
order by item, ValidFrom;