用 aCoords tl 绘制矩形,br 角而不是顶部,留在 fabric.js?

Draw rectangle with aCoords tl, br corners instead of top, left in fabric.js?

所以我想根据从外部系统接收到的坐标在 canvas 上绘制矩形,该坐标使用 (x1,y1)(左上)和 (x2,y2)(右下)坐标绘制矩形,而在 Fabric.js 中有点不同,例如使用 topleft 属性,我尝试使用 aCoords 来完成并写下这段代码:

  addRect() {
    let square = new fabric.Rect({
      stroke: 'yellow',
      noScaleCache: false,
      strokeWidth: 10,
      strokeUniform: true,
      fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',
      flipX: true,

    square.set("aCoords", { tl: new fabric.Point(100, 2), br: new fabric.Point(1, 2), tr: new fabric.Point(1, 2), bl: new fabric.Point(1, 2) });



虽然通过阅读 fabricjs.com 中的 API 参考资料,我不确定,但在稍微深入研究代码后,我几乎可以肯定 aCoords 只是作为 [=31] =].所以您不能使用此 属性.


相反,您已经分别更新了 topleftwidthheight 属性。


(function() {
  var canvas = this.__canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
  fabric.Object.prototype.transparentCorners = false;
  let square = new fabric.Rect({
    stroke: 'yellow',
    noScaleCache: false,
    strokeWidth: 10,
    strokeUniform: true,
    fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',
    flipX: true,


  let x1 = 5;
  let y1 = 25;
  let x2 = 105;
  let y2 = 55;

  square.set("top", y1);
  square.set("left", x1);
  square.set("width", (x2 - x1));
  square.set("height", (y2 - y1));

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/4.2.0/fabric.min.js "></script>
<canvas id="c"></canvas>