VS 2013 SDK:所选文本的缩进问题

VS 2013 SDK: Indentation issues with selected text


使用 Visual Studio SDK 2013,我正在尝试开发一个简单的扩展,旨在修改 selected 文本以将其包含在特定的XML 文档标签。


我遇到的问题是在替换 selected 文本时,它只适用于我想要 avoid/improve.


为了进行真正的比较,请注意 Visual Studio 在注释 selected 行时管理 selected 行缩进的完美方式 [=55] =]Ctrl + K + C 和 Ctrl + K + U 热键,无论 selection 索引在哪里开始或结束,因为整个(和非-empty) selected行将被注释并保留缩进级别:

这是我自己面临的挑战,这是我的扩展的奇怪结果,只有当我完全 select 包含左侧空格的行时,它才能正常工作,否则,我得到了不想要的结果:


VB.Net 中,否则 C#,我该如何改进代码的逻辑以修复上面的比较?。

缺陷基本上是我的扩展不能像 VisualStudio 那样正确处理 selected 行的起始空格来执行正确的文本替换,所以我得到了我提到的意想不到的结果。



Const XmlCommentCharsVB As String = "'''"
Const XmlCommentCharsCS As String = "///"

Private Sub ModifySelectedText()

    Dim viewhost As IWpfTextViewHost = Me.GetCurrentViewHost()

    Dim textView As IWpfTextView = viewhost.TextView

    Dim selectionSpan As VirtualSnapshotSpan = textView.Selection.StreamSelectionSpan

    Dim selectedText As String = selectionSpan.SnapshotSpan.GetText

    Dim language As String = textView.TextDataModel.ContentType.DisplayName

    Dim xmlCommentChars As String = ""

    Dim marginLength As Integer =
        (From c As Char In selectedText.Split({Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).First
         Take While Char.IsWhiteSpace(c)

    If String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedText) Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Dim sb As New StringBuilder

    Select Case language.ToUpper

        Case "BASIC"
            xmlCommentChars = XmlCommentCharsVB

        Case "CSHARP"
            xmlCommentChars = XmlCommentCharsCS

        Case Else ' VC++
            ' Not implemented.

    End Select

    With sb
        .AppendLine(String.Format("{0} <example> This is a code example.", xmlCommentChars))
        .AppendLine(String.Format("{0} <code>", xmlCommentChars))

        For Each line As String In selectedText.Split({Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.None)
            sb.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} {1}", xmlCommentChars, line.Remove(0, marginLength)))

        .AppendLine(String.Format("{0} </code>", xmlCommentChars))
        .AppendLine(String.Format("{0} </example>", xmlCommentChars))
    End With

    selectionSpan.Snapshot.TextBuffer.Replace(selectionSpan.SnapshotSpan, sb.ToString)

End Sub


VisualStudio SDK 没有任何简单的,在 MSDN 参考中找到任何代码示例,或者让最终用户理解 "X" 成员的目的的非专家解释真的是一场噩梦SDK,所以我应该自己想象 "X" 成员可以做什么,并将其付诸实践,看看会发生什么......我完全不知道如何解决这个问题。

无论如何,我把目光放在了ITrackingSpan界面的TrackingMode 属性上,它解释了一些关于编辑器边缘的东西......但我测试了一下,似乎它不涉及空白边缘。

此外,我认为一个主要问题可能是我以这种方式获取 selected 文本:


我只是得到一个字符串,但 SDK 提供了一个 ITextSnapshot 接口,其中包含 Lines 属性 中的字符串集合,但是,我尝试检索selected 文本的属性 Snapshot 但我总是得到当前编辑器视图的所有文本...

// Get the selection object.
var viewHost = GetCurrentViewHost();
ITextSelection selection = viewHost.TextView.Selection;

// Get the start and end points of the selection.
VirtualSnapshotPoint start = selection.Start;
VirtualSnapshotPoint end = selection.End;

// Get the lines that contain the start and end points.
IWpfTextViewLine startLine =
IWpfTextViewLine endLine =

// Get the start and end points of the lines.
SnapshotPoint startLinePoint = startLine.Start;
SnapshotPoint endLinePoint = endLine.End;

// Create a SnapshotSpan for all text to be replaced.
SnapshotSpan span = new SnapshotSpan(startLinePoint, endLinePoint);

// Compute margin.
string[] lines = span.GetText().Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
int margin = lines.Select(line =>
    int count = 0;
    while (char.IsWhiteSpace(line[count++])) ;
    return --count;

// Construct the replacement string.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string line in lines)
    sb.AppendLine(String.Format("{0}{1} {2}", new string(' ', margin), "///", line.Remove(0, margin)));

// Perform the replacement.
span.Snapshot.TextBuffer.Replace(span, sb.ToString());