WordPress Gutenberg RichText,如何在使用 `multiline="p"` 时使用 source: 'children' 设置默认值?

WordPress Gutenberg RichText, how can I set a default value with source: 'children' when using `multiline="p"`?

注册新块时,如果使用带有 multiline 标签的 RichText,我无法设置默认值

  attributes: {
    header: {
      type: 'string',
      source: 'text',
      selector: 'h2',
      default: 'default',
    text: {
      type: 'array',
      source: 'children',
      selector: 'div',
      default: 'Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet',

//    also tested, same result
//    default: ['Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet', 'test', 'test2'],
//    default: () => <p>Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet</p>,
//    default: [() => <p>Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet</p>],

  edit: ({ attributes: { header, text }, setAttributes }) => {
    const blockProps = useBlockProps()

    return (
      <div {...blockProps}>
        <RichText tagName="h2" placeholder={'Header'} onChange={header => setAttributes({ header })} value={header} />
          placeholder={'Write here the description'}
          onChange={text => setAttributes({ text })}

如果我删除 multiline="p" 行,我会看到默认文本,但我看不到任何内容



default: [
  { type: 'p', props: { children: ['Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet'] } },
  { type: 'p', props: { children: ['test'] } },

使用属性为 multiline="p" 的 RichText 设置默认值的另一种简化方法是:

    attributes: {
    text: {
        type: 'string', // changed from array
        source: 'children',
        selector: 'div',
        default: [<p>Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet</p>, <p>test</p>, <p>test2</p>]