Impala 如何以分布式方式实现 GroupBy Extension(CUBE, ROLLUP and GROUPING SETS)?

How does Impala Implements GroupBy Extension(CUBE, ROLLUP and GROUPING SETS) In a distributed way?

我正在学习如何实现 GroupBy 扩展(CUBE、ROLLUP 和 GROUPING SETS),我在 FE several times, But I still can't understand how to use grouping_ids to implement GroupBy Extension throught collaboration with BE 上看过分布式 way.How 是否与 ExchangeNode 协作?是否与ExchangeNode合作?


Impala introduced the group by modifiers in 7.2.2:

Added support for GROUP BY ROLLUP, CUBE and GROUPING SETS. The GROUP BY ROLLUP clause creates a group for each combination of column expressions. The CUBE clause creates groups for all possible combinations of columns. The GROUPING SETS just lets you list out the combinations of expressions that you want to GROUP BY.

从该版本开始,GROUP BYdocumentation 对此进行了解释。