有没有办法为 Django 缓存锁设置过期时间?

Is there a way to set an expiration time for a Django cache lock?

我有一个 Django 3.1.3 服务器,它通过 django-redis 4.12.1 使用 Redis 作为缓存。我知道通常可以通过以下方式设置缓存锁:

with cache.lock('my_cache_lock_key'):
    # Execute some logic here, such as:
    cache.set('some_key', 'Hello world', 3000)


我的问题:有没有办法为 Django 缓存锁设置超时值,与设置缓存值的超时值的方式大致相同 (cache.set('some_key', 'Hello world', 3000))?

我已经回答了我自己的问题。 following arguments 可用于 cache.lock():

    def lock(

将其与 Python Redis source 的评论进行交叉引用,后者使用相同的参数:

   ``timeout`` indicates a maximum life for the lock.
    By default, it will remain locked until release() is called.
    ``timeout`` can be specified as a float or integer, both representing
    the number of seconds to wait.
    ``sleep`` indicates the amount of time to sleep per loop iteration
    when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is currently
    holding the lock.
    ``blocking`` indicates whether calling ``acquire`` should block until
    the lock has been acquired or to fail immediately, causing ``acquire``
    to return False and the lock not being acquired. Defaults to True.
    Note this value can be overridden by passing a ``blocking``
    argument to ``acquire``.
    ``blocking_timeout`` indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds to
    spend trying to acquire the lock. A value of ``None`` indicates
    continue trying forever. ``blocking_timeout`` can be specified as a
    float or integer, both representing the number of seconds to wait.

因此,要设置缓存锁生效的最长时间为 2 秒,请执行以下操作:

with cache.lock(key='my_cache_lock_key', timeout=2):
    # Execute some logic here, such as:
    cache.set('some_key', 'Hello world', 3000)