找出 Table 中连续出现次数最多的值

Find the Biggest Number of Consecutive Occurrence of values in Table


create table Launches (Id int, Name char)

insert into Launches values
(1, 'A'),
(2, 'A'),
(3, 'B'),
(4, 'B'),
(5, 'B'),
(6, 'B'),
(7, 'C'),
(8, 'B'),
(9, 'B')


4 - B

从 3 到 6


您可以为每个 name 减去一个枚举值以获得相同的相邻值的常数。剩下的就是聚合:

select top (1) name, count(*), min(id), max(id)
from (select l.*,
             row_number() over (partition by name order by id) as seqnum
      from #Launches l
     ) l
group by (id - seqnum), name
order by count(*) desc;

Here 是一个 db<>fiddle.