Google Playstore 定价 - 免费还是付费?

Google playstore pricing - free or paid?

我将在 google Play 商店发布我的第一个应用程序。目前我的应用程序是完全免费的,但稍后我想添加一些应用程序内购买(但用户应该仍然可以免费下载它)。现在我应该如何设置定价 - 免费还是付费??

您可以免费发布您的应用程序。您可以使用 IAP 添加应用内购买。

Best practices:

  • Make your app available as a free download with limited features or full features for a limited time. Then use an in-app purchase to
    unlock the full, unlimited app.

  • Offer additional features or content items through in-app purchases, such as new levels, special playing pieces, or other features in games.

  • Use subscriptions where your app provides regularly updated or time-based content.