Jasper 报告:被抑制的第一页页脚留空 space

Jasper report: supressed first page footer leaves blank space

首页和其他页面需要不同的页脚。 我将一个页脚放在 page footer band 中,将另一个放在 column footer band

我将 page footerPrint When Expression 设置为 $V{PAGE_NUMBER} > 1


Jasper 从第二页开始打印页脚,但它在第一页上留下空白 space(在预览和 docx 导出中)。 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1383480/work/QIP%20Shot%20-%20Screen%20455.png

我尝试在所有文本元素上设置 remove line when blank,但没有用

我的 jasper 报告是 5.6,目标格式是 docx

如何删除第一页上的空白 space?

您可以尝试使用 net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.origin.{suffix}.{arbitrary_name} 属性 来排除导出器的页脚。



It is stated on 108 of the Jaspersoft Ultimate Guide PDF that the page footer always retains the declared fixed height.

Add it as a standard field perhaps into another band and then print only on page one using a PrintWhenExpression (see pg 119 of the ultimate guide). Include an expression that effective means it only prints on page one, something like:


If you need it on the bottom there are options to align the element to the bottom of the band IIRC.


这是一种使用假组页脚的方法 https://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/4074-0