检查 HashSet<int[]> 中是否存在数组

Check if an array exists in a HashSet<int[]>

如何检查 HashSet 中是否存在数组?


int[] a = new int[]{0, 0};

HashSet<int[]> set = new HashSet<>();


int[] b = new int[]{0, 0};

set.contains(b); // ===> true


    int[] a = new int[] { 0, 0 };
    HashSet<int[]> set = new HashSet<>();

    int[] b = new int[] { 0, 0 };
    boolean contains = set.stream().anyMatch(c -> Arrays.equals(c, b));
    System.out.println("Contains? " + contains);


Contains? true

虽然它没有利用 HashSet 的快速查找。如评论中所述,这是不可能的,因为数组的 equalshashCode 不认为包含相同顺序的相同数字的数组相等。一个数组只被认为等于它自己。因此,我们需要对集合进行线性搜索,以找到包含相同数字的数组(如果有的话)。我正在为此使用流管道。您也可以使用循环。


要利用 HashSet 中的快速查找,您可以使用列表而不是数组:

    List<Integer> a = List.of(0, 0);
    HashSet<List<Integer>> set = new HashSet<>();

    List<Integer> b = List.of(0, 0);
    System.out.println("Contains? " + set.contains(b));

Contains? true

List<Integer> 方法有 space 惩罚,但是,因为它存储 Integer 对象而不是 int 原语,后者通常占用更多 space.


如果以上方法仍然不够有效——这是为了绝大多数目的——你可以使用你自己的 class 作为数字:

public class IntArray {

    int[] elements;
    public IntArray(int... elements) {
        // Make a defensive copy to shield from subsequent modifications of the original array
        this.elements = Arrays.copyOf(elements, elements.length);

    public int hashCode() {
        return Arrays.hashCode(elements);

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        IntArray other = (IntArray) obj;
        return Arrays.equals(elements, other.elements);



    IntArray a = new IntArray(0, 0);
    HashSet<IntArray> set = new HashSet<>();

    IntArray b = new IntArray(0, 0);
    System.out.println("Contains? " + set.contains(b));

Contains? true

现在我们几乎拥有原始 int 数组方法的 space 效率,以及 hashCode().




Also, there can be two key-based solutions if I'm not wrong: something like

public final class IntArrayKey {
    private final int[];

(suffers from possible array mutation or defensive array cloning), or something like

public final class Key<T> {
    private final Predicate<T> equals;
    private final IntSupplier hashCode;
    public static Key<int[]> of(final int[] array) {
        return new Key<>(that -> Arrays.equals(array, that), () -> Arrays.hashCode(array));

to keep it generic.

And probably one more solution I can think of is using fastutil or Trove instead of List<Integer> (e.g. IntList that overrides equals and hashCode properly). Not sure it worth adding all possible solutions (perhaps there are more?) now. :)

您可以使用TreeSet instead of HashSet with a comparator that compares the contents of two arrays instead of the hash codes of two array objects. Then you can use TreeSet.contains方法如下:

int[] a = {0, 0};
int[] b = {0, 0};
int[] c = {0, 0};

HashSet<int[]> hashSet = new HashSet<>();
TreeSet<int[]> treeSet = new TreeSet<>(Arrays::compare);

hashSet.addAll(List.of(a, b, c));
treeSet.addAll(List.of(a, b));

System.out.println(hashSet.size()); // 3
System.out.println(treeSet.size()); // 1

System.out.println(treeSet.contains(a)); // true
System.out.println(treeSet.contains(b)); // true
System.out.println(treeSet.contains(c)); // true