Apollo Client:更新缓存时是 writeFragment 还是 readFragment?

Apollo Client: writeFragment or readFragment when updating cache?

在useMutation 的update 钩子中,Apollo 的文档推荐使用writeFragment 获取对新添加对象的内部引用。我觉得这很奇怪,因为该对象已经存在于缓存中。所以我用 readFragment 测试了它,果然,它运行良好。在此用例中,是否优先使用 writeFragment 而不是 readFragment

示例 1:


const [addTodo] = useMutation(ADD_TODO, {
    update(cache, { data: { addTodo } }) {
        fields: {
          todos(existingTodos = []) {
            const newTodoRef = cache.writeFragment({
              data: addTodo,
              fragment: gql`
                fragment NewTodo on Todo {
            return [...existingTodos, newTodoRef];


With the help of cache.writeFragment we get an internal reference to the added todo, then store that reference in the ROOT_QUERY.todos array.

示例 2:


const [addComment] = useMutation(ADD_COMMENT, {
  update(cache, { data: { addComment } }) {
      fields: {
        comments(existingCommentRefs = [], { readField }) {
          const newCommentRef = cache.writeFragment({
            data: addComment,
            fragment: gql`
              fragment NewComment on Comment {
          return [...existingCommentRefs, newCommentRef];


the comment was already added to the cache by useMutation. Consequently, cache.writeFragment returns a reference to the existing object.

我也在 Apollo Client 的讨论区 (https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-client/discussions/7515) 上发布了这个问题,但没有得到回复。

从缓存中获取项目时使用 writeFragment 优于 readFragment 的好处在此处解释(摘自 https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/caching/cache-interaction/#example-updating-the-cache-after-a-mutation):

If you call writeFragment with an options.data object that the cache is able to identify, based on its __typename and primary key fields, you can avoid passing options.id to writeFragment.

Whether you provide options.id explicitly or let writeFragment figure it out using options.data, writeFragment returns a Reference to the identified object.

This behavior makes writeFragment a good tool for obtaining a Reference to an existing object in the cache, which can come in handy when writing an update function for useMutation

这是违反直觉的,因为名称 writeFragment 暗示它用于写入缓存而不是从中读取,但这似乎是推荐的最佳做法。