
Do I have any fault for this java:S3077?


class Some {

    public Some getPrevious() {
            final Some result = previous;
            if (result != null) {
                return result;
        synchornized (this) {
            if (previous == null) {
                previous = computePrevious();
            return previous;

    // all fields are final initialized in constructor
    private final String name;

    // this is a lazy initialized self-type value.
    private volatile Some previous;

现在 sonarcloud 一直抱怨 java:S3077

Use a thread-safe type; adding "volatile" is not enough to make this field thread-safe.

A 'thread safe type' 表示可以被多个线程使用而不会出现问题。

因此,如果 Other 是不可变的,那么就 S3077 而言,它是一个 'thread-safe type'。

如果它是一个 class 设计用于多个线程,例如一个ConcurrentHashMap,那么也是一个'thread-safe type'.

如果你 google S3077 你可以找到有用的讨论来回答你的问题,例如https://community.sonarsource.com/t/java-rule-s3077-should-not-apply-to-references-to-immutable-objects/15200